Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dalat Crazy House in Vietnam

Da Lat, or Dalat is the capital of Lâm Đồng Province in Vietnam Hang Nga guesthouse, popularly known as The Crazy House, is an unconventional hotel building constructed from a project by Hang Viet Nga in Da Lat, Vietnam. The building conveys a distinctive fairy-tale-like mood, and is made up of complex, organic,non-rectilinear shapes, much in the spirit of Gaudi and Hundertwasser.

complex of unconventional, misshapen concrete structures serving as both a tourist attraction and a place to stay. It is decorated with animal figures with glowing eyes, wire spiderwebs and other, equally unexpected things. The designer and namesake, Hang Nga, holds a PhD in architecture from Moscow State University.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neat looking place

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