The baby-boy was born weighing 2.75 kg. Medics said that both the mother and child were “fine,” China’s City Evening News portal said.
The medics of the hospital did not give any other comments to reporters. No wonder, because the subject of early pregnancy is tabooed in the communist country.
A correspondent of a local newspaper penetrated into the hospital twice in an attempt to see the young mother, but his efforts returned no result. He only managed to find out that the girl looked older for her nine years. Nothing is known about the details of the child’s pregnancy.
The police are trying to find the father of the girl’s child – they have already questioned the members of the young mother’s family. A sexual relationship with females under 14 years of age is considered a severe sex crime in China.
Statistics says that Chinese girls get pregnant and subsequently try to make an abortion a lot more frequently than it is believed. Chinese schoolgirls make about 30 percent of all abortions performed in the country. Female college students add another 20 percent to this number.
In 1910, a Chinese boy aged 9 and a Chinese girl aged 8 became the nation’s youngest parents ever. The youngest mother in the USSR was a six-year-old girl, who gave birth to a dead child in 1930. The little girl had been raped by her own grandfather.
In April of 2000, a Russian girl from the Rostov region gave birth to her child when she was eight. The child’s father was a 13-year-old boy.
The world record for ‘youngest mother’ belongs to Peru, where Lina Medina, aged only five, delivered a baby in 1939.
That is seriously disturbing. A 9years old should be in school instead of hospital giving labor
she's just a little girl how could somebody be so cruel!
Sick, sick, SICK!!!
i bet shes been raped but the baby is so cute has she kept it i'll go on ask jeeves now and ask him
this should not b repeated further.
i agree, this is very wrong.
5 years old! can that even be true? did she hit puberty in the womb or wat?
This is disturbing me enough! What a hellish world which does not leave childern even......pathetic......
wow. i cant believe someone can be so sick.
my heart goes out to girls like this.
I swear i still cant belive this...how can a small girl of 5 yrs old can give a birth....Thats ridicously........
Oh My... She is only a baby herself!
I am 14 and I haven't even touched a guy down there yet!
And I don't plan to for another 2+ years!!
to the 14 year old... WTF, why are you waiting to hit 16? couldn't you wait until youre 18 or 21 or even married??? Im just intrigued, why 16???
so I am here to touch you. contact me at mrhappiness2009@hotmail.com
this link is for 15
How is it even possible?
unbelievable a grandfather rapped her own 6 yr old grand daughter unbelievale......
Hey, wake up, it's poor people in poor places. What do you think ? That they all have a pool and going to Harvard ? It's not an isolated case, even if it's sad.
A 9 year old shouldnt even know about that kinda thing. sick.
is this article true? i just can't believe!
OMG some comments are just not for real. mr happiness get a life you have been reported (thanks for leaveing your contac details)this is classified as grooming and i have passed on to colleagues within the south yorkshire police and they will, if neccesarry go via interpol to find you. well done!
Mr. happiness is just trolling. It's the internet, so what did you expect? That everyone is going to be "awww, that's so wrong!!!1!"? It's a hard world, and for poor kids even harder. Maybe she even got money for it. It's morally wrong, but it won't help anybody of you're commenting on fake posts.
whoa.. that was unbelievable. my heart goes out to the poor girl.
To everyone that is looking for an explanation to this, it is sexual stimulation, when a girl gets sexual stimulation at early ages their body gets prepared for pregnancy earlier, so, this is obviously sexual abuse.
OMG this i soooo sick
cant believe ... ??????
is this true ??????
who impregnated her in the first place?
This right here shows that all of us.. All human beings are still very much animals in our nature! No joke. If you have ever observed the animal kingdom in real life or on screen you would see chimps, monkies, orangutans & gorillas all do this same thing! The males will try and stick there 2inches of glory into both female and males! no matter how young or old.
The females will try and seduce and rub against any males or females Young or Old it is in thier Instincts! The SexDrive is a very hardcoded powerful instinct that is almost impossible for any... ANY animal to shut off even when they know if it will work or not.
Im only saying us Homosapiens still have the hardcoded animal instincts deep within our genes from which the ape-like creature (Australopithecus) we have evolved from.
Hope this explains why people dont understand why we humans do the fucked up shit that we do in this world including killing, raping, stealing, and everything else you can think of.
If anyone does not believe this or rejects it you clearly dont know much about our mind & the Human race.
(btw... this whole forum is True! a 5 yr babygirl did give birth to a baby boy! crazy indeed)
I agree with the comment above. And why are you all blaming the father? I know it's disgusting and all but you don't know what happened, it could have all been the girl. Even though that is unlikely you don't know so don't be so one-sided, you have to look at both sides. And for all those people saying "maybe she did it for money" and things like that, once again you don't know all the facts! Just because there is a lot of poor people in China it soesn't mean that her family are.
children in China give birth under 10.
also previous article was about baby gives birtg to a baby.
its fake i think so because a 9 year girl can't give birth to a child
9 years, how can someone even be mature enough in the womb at that age to give birth. I have a friend who gave birth at 12(18 now), but 9..even 5 year olds....thats just messed up.
Those people are sick!!!
How can they do that to a little toddler
the girl waitn for 16 come to me
its very unbelievable for a 5 year old got pregnANT.... i could not believe i!!!!
riiiight like a man couldnt say no to a 9 year old.. lets see it takes 9 months for the baby to grow sooo what was she 8??? when she had intercourse? its called statutory rape... to many pedos/groomers out there.. not enough being done about it.. that girls childhood is finished now.. even if this story wasn't true we all know that it does happen everywhere.. i feel for all the babies having babies... its not something that they should be going thru..
OMG that is just unbelieveable for a 9yrs/5yrs old child to have babies when their just babies themselves.God is coming for his world soon.
oh the most shocking is the 5 yer old girl gotten pregnant and gve birth that's kind of impossible...howcome she become pregnant nat that age?..isnt it possible that that 5 yr old can be at risk and also the baby inside for nine months?
Is that true????? poor gilr she's just a baby hereself, OMG, where are her parants what that happend, Chiness people soooo stupid sometimes , I can't belive that, and about the 14 years old girl, please dont do a stupid things you are still a baby just focus on your studies keep your mind on your future life dont think about men or anything else, one day you will have your own family once you will grow up dear, by he way I'm 26 years old and I didnt let any man touchs me, my weding will be next february at that time my husband will be the first, he is soooo lucky to have me (Fresh)!!!1 LOL
When I was her age i was raising a Tamagotchi not a freakin baby WTF
It blows my mind. This should not happen again.
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