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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dog born with 2 legs Story of a Faith
His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'.
But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him...
She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself.
She named him 'Faith'.
In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement. Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him for standing up and jumping around. Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk. Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward. After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.
Faith loves to walk around now. No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him. He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.
There is now a book entitled 'With a Little Faith' being published about him. He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.
His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.
In life there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better you just need to look at life from another direction. I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day. Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Young Russian politicians to play football to win cow

Leaders of Russian political youth organizations will play football to try to win a cow, ruling United Russia party supporters said Thursday.
"We decided to support the initiative of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to hold a football world cup in Russia, and we are arranging a tournament with the participation of leaders of Russia's largest youth organizations," Dmitry Nosov, head of United Russia's commission on youth affairs, said.
Participants include young teams from the ruling party and other parties, including Liberal Democrats, Yabloko, A Just Russia, the movements Nashi (Ours), Mestniye (Locals) and Young Russia, and students.
"The final match will take place on June 26 and will be opened by State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov. The winner will receive a cow," organizers said by RIA Novosti
MOSCOWSaturday, July 3, 2010
Chain's 8 yr Turtle boy underwent surgery a shell-like patch of hard skin
Maimaiti Hali, 8, is a normal boy, except that his back is covered in a shell-like growth reminiscent of a ninja turtle. It’s hard to hide such an anomaly, which is why Hali quickly earned the nickname ‘Turtle Boy’ from his school peers.
“People bullied him,” Hali’s father, Maimaiti Musai, told The Sun. “We were told surgery wasn’t possible when he was very young so we waited. But the growth got bigger and harder and became like a turtle shell.”
After a long wait, Hali’s family finally submitted him to the Urumqi Military General Hospital, where he underwent a two-hour operation in which the growth was removed and then replaced with skin grafts from his scalp and legs.
“We used scalp hair on the graft because it grows back very quickly,” said Chief surgeon Ye Xiangpo.
When questioned by reporters, an enthusiastic Maimaiti replied, “It was a bit painful, but I won’t worry about other kids laughing at me any more.”
He added, “I am looking forward to going out in the sun without my shirt on and to going swimming with my friends.”
Links (1 2) Vai weirdasianews
Lizzie Velasquez Eats 60 Meals a Day and Cannot Gain Weight
To stay healthy, she has to eat around 60 small meals a day, which correspond to 5000-8000 calories. Even though she eats what could make all of us obese, she has almost 0% body fat and has never weighed more than 60.2 pounds (27.3kg).

Lizzie said: "I weigh myself regularly and if I gain even one pound I get really excited. I eat every 15-20 minutes to keep my energy levels up. I eat small portions of crisps, sweets, chocolate, pizza, chicken, cake, doughnuts, ice cream, noodles and pop tarts all day long, so I get pretty upset when people accuse me of being anorexic. When I meet new people I have to say: 'Hi, I'm Lizzie and I have this rare syndrome, I am NOT anorexic'."

Lizzie has a brother Chris, 12, and a sister Marina, 15, who are both normal.
She was born four weeks prematurely - weighing just 2lb 10oz.

Lizzie's parents said: "They told us they had no idea how she could have survived. They told us she would never be able to walk, talk or have a normal life. We had to buy dolls' clothes from the toy store because baby clothes were too big."

Despite what her appearance might suggest, Lizzie's brain, bones, internal organs… developed normally, but she nearly died twice: once when her appendix ruptured at 16 and another time at 19, because her blood cells were not multiplying properly (she was critically anaemic). Lizzie was born with two brown eyes, but when she was four, her right eye began to change of color and she became blind from that eye.

As you may have already guessed, she fascinates doctors all over the world and she is part of a genetic study. Professor Garg, the man in charge of this study, believes Lizzie has a form of Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome (NPS) which causes accelerated ageing, fat loss from the face and body, and tissue degeneration.

Eating that much and not gaining weight could be the dream of many people, but not in those conditions. Her life must have been very difficult with having to eat as often and with kids mocking at her…I hope she will have a long life, as healthy as possible!
Source: thesun
Monday, June 21, 2010
9-year-old girl who wrestles alligators

‘I have been wrestling alligators since I was six,’ she said. ‘I was taught by my father and mother to take on the gators and my dad has been wrestling and around them since he was bitten by one aged five.
‘I was a bit scared at first but my dad was there and he always knows what to do with them.’
Samantha regularly teaches visitors to Colorado Gators Reptile Park how to tackle the predators and has even trained US soldiers in the art.
‘It is all about getting your balance and position on top of the gator’s back so that you can control its mouth and neck,’ she said.
‘Once you have that under your power, then you can pull its head back and you have tamed the gator.
‘I need to know how to wrestle them because they are all around me so it is safer that way. And it looks cool for when my friends come round to the park. I like the looks on adults’ faces when they see me do it and I show them how.’
Father and park manager Jay Young, 36, said: ‘Samantha is very proficient with the gators and wrestles the size of alligator that we involve the public with.
‘We don’t let the public near the 600lb gators but we do let them tackle the 6ft to 8ft, 300lb ones.’
metro.co.ukSaturday, June 19, 2010
X-ray reveals Dog Swallowed 5 Cats

And here are the victims of Snowy ;)

Source: dailymail
Friday, June 11, 2010
World's oldest leather shoe | 5,500 years woman footwear

Perfectly preserved under layers of sheep dung (who needs cedar closets?), the shoe, made of cowhide and tanned with oil from a plant or vegetable, is about 5,500 years old, older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids, scientists say. Leather laces crisscross through numerous leather eyelets, and it was worn on the right foot; there is no word on the left shoe.
While the shoe more closely resembles an L. L.Bean-type soft-soled walking shoe than anything by Jimmy Choo, “these were probably quite expensive shoes, made of leather, very high quality,” said one of the lead scientists, Gregory Areshian, of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
It could have fit a small man or a teenager, but was most likely worn by a woman with roughly size 7 feet.
Source:- boingboing
Sunday, April 4, 2010
China's 9 year old Pregnant Girl Gives Birth a Healthy Child

The baby-boy was born weighing 2.75 kg. Medics said that both the mother and child were “fine,” China’s City Evening News portal said.
The medics of the hospital did not give any other comments to reporters. No wonder, because the subject of early pregnancy is tabooed in the communist country.
A correspondent of a local newspaper penetrated into the hospital twice in an attempt to see the young mother, but his efforts returned no result. He only managed to find out that the girl looked older for her nine years. Nothing is known about the details of the child’s pregnancy.
The police are trying to find the father of the girl’s child – they have already questioned the members of the young mother’s family. A sexual relationship with females under 14 years of age is considered a severe sex crime in China.
Statistics says that Chinese girls get pregnant and subsequently try to make an abortion a lot more frequently than it is believed. Chinese schoolgirls make about 30 percent of all abortions performed in the country. Female college students add another 20 percent to this number.
In 1910, a Chinese boy aged 9 and a Chinese girl aged 8 became the nation’s youngest parents ever. The youngest mother in the USSR was a six-year-old girl, who gave birth to a dead child in 1930. The little girl had been raped by her own grandfather.
In April of 2000, a Russian girl from the Rostov region gave birth to her child when she was eight. The child’s father was a 13-year-old boy.
The world record for ‘youngest mother’ belongs to Peru, where Lina Medina, aged only five, delivered a baby in 1939.