Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pictures. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Interesting Facts About Twins | Identical Twins Pictures

Identical Twins PicturesGemini amazed mankind for thousands of years. Even today, when to zaimet five or six children, there is nothing unusual, the twins continue to attract attention. Yet many do not understand what being a twin. We offer you some interesting facts about twins.
Facts About Twins22% left-handed twins. Among the general population the figure is much lower - 10%.
Identical Twins PicturesNumber of births of twins depends on the place of their birth.
Facts About TwinsDistinguish between identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic) twins, as well as seven different subtypes, such as various types of conjoined twins.
Twins are not always born in the same day.

Facts About Twins The twins do not necessarily have to be a father.
Facts About TwinsDo identical twins are different fingerprints.
Facts About TwinsAbout 25% of monozygotic twins are called mirror.

Do identical twins is almost the same EEG.
Gemini can come to his birthday party in Twinsburg, the festival of twins in Ohio, USA, or in competition twins in London.

Facts About TwinsEach of the twins develop their own language (speech).
The twins a DNA, but not identical.
Facts About TwinsCertain diets can increase the chance of giving birth to twins.
Facts About TwinsBy the birth of fraternal twins' mother are genetically predisposed. The birth of identical twins by accident.
Identical Twins PicturesDizygotic twins can have different skin color.
Identical Twins PicturesThe twins can be different prenatal ages.
Identical Twins Pictures12 kg 340 g - the biggest in the history of the weight of twins at birth.
Identical Twins PicturesThe twins were divided at birth but later reunited, are very similar in interests and personality.
Facts About TwinsScientists believe that the number of possible cases of multiple births much more than cases of birth.
Facts About TwinsNumber of types and genders of twins strangely symmetrical.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rare Albino Elephants | White Elephant Pictures

In the north-west Asian country of Myanmar were found rare animal - an elephant albino. According to Buddhist beliefs, White Elephant can bring good luck throughout the state.

White Elephant PicturesWhite Elephant PicturesWhite Elephant PicturesRare Albino ElephantsRare Albino ElephantsRare Albino Elephants

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

10 Beautiful Islands | Tropical islands pictures

1. Maldives
2. Auckland Islands, New Zealand
3. Aldabra Atoll, the Seychelles
4. Tetepare Island, the Solomon Islands
5. Rock Islands, Palau (Chelbacheb)
6. Cocos Island, Costa Rica
7. Phoenix Islands, Kiribati
8. Angthon National Marine Park, Thailand
9. Mamanuca Islands, Fiji
10. Ball's Pyramid

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sohal Tang expensive saltwater fish (Acanthurus sohal)

Sohal Tang (Acanthurus sohal) is an expensive saltwater fish that goes by many names including the Zebra Tang, Arabian Tang, Sohal Surgeonfish, Red Sea Clown Surgeon, Zebra Surgeon, Majestic Tang, and Majestic Surgeon. Like a lot of other Tangs, these fish are considered to be quite aggressive and shouldn't be kept with other Tangs or many Wrasse species. These fish have a gorgeous display of black, blue, green, and yellow coloration with horizontal stripes running down its body and through its eyes. You can check out the Sohal Tang for yourself in the video below...

In the wild, the Sohal Tang is found in the Red Sea as well as the Arabian sea. They are often seen around reefs in depths of less that 60' or so. Because of their active nature and beautiful coloration, these fish are often kept in an aquarium setting. The Sohal Tang can grow to almost a 1' and a half, but are much smaller when kept in a tank. They are considered to be quite hardy, but need a large reef aquarium of 200 gallons or more with the following water conditions, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, and sg 1.020-1.025.

This species of Tang is an omnivore that should be fed a diet high in vitamins especially beta-carotene, which can help to prevent Hole in the Head or Lateral Line Erosion disease. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, Meaty Foods and Ocean Nutrition are just a few feeding ideas to keep the Sohal Tang happy and healthy. These fish should be fed at least 3 times a week.

Yellow Tang Fish (Zebrasoma flavescens)

Yellow Tang Fish Zebrasoma

Popular aquarium salt water fish is called the Yellow Tang fish, also known as Zebrasoma Flavesenes or even the Naughty Tang. It is found in the Pacific Ocean north of the equator from Japan to Hawaii at depths of 3 to 46 meters.

Yellow Tang Fish Zebrasoma flavescens

The Yellow Tang feeds on wild grasses and algae. This species of Tang can grow up to 7" long with the males almost always being larger than the female. Its striking yellow coloration makes it a favorite for fish fans. Click the Yellow Tang picture below if you wish to purchase this colored fishes...

Yellow Tang Large Fish

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Beautiful Street Fighter 4 Artwork

  • Can you guess drawing | Realistic Pencil Drawing
    29.05.2009 - 9 Comments
    The picture itself is of the drawing that I made of the “Pencil Drawing”. If you get the answer leave comment…