Showing posts with label Painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painting. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Marcos Beccari Artist Drawing - Watercolor Artworks Paintings

Marcos Beccari Artist Drawing - Watercolor Artworks Paintings | Watercolor Techniques & Painting Tutorials 

Watercolor or watercolour, also aquarelle, is a painting method in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water-based solution. Watercolor refers to both the medium and the resulting artwork

Marcos Beccari doesn't shy away from a challenge. Instead, he runs toward it. And that's why the Brazilian artist has gotten so good. Currently, Beccari works as an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Paraná, giving lectures on design and graphic design. In his spare time, he also does watercolor paintings.

If you were to scroll through his portfolio, you'd see that Beccari focuses a lot on water. So much so, that in some of his works, it becomes the central subject, pushing people into the background. That is because the artist thought portraying water was his weakness and wanted to eradicate it. I think we can safely say that he succeeded and now it has become his strength.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Toonify Turns Yourself Photos Into Pixar Cartoon Characters

Toonify Turns Yourself Photos Into Pixar Cartoon Characters | This Toonify yourself | Justin Pinkney App That Turns People Into Pixar-Like Cartoon Characters Gets The Internet Buzzing 

You've probably heard what crazy stuff AI, machine learning, and deep learning technologies are capable of. Like creating portraits of people who don’t exist, or making a 15th-century Renaissance painting out of your picture, or turning your static single selfie into a living image. Sounds crazy, because it is, but it turns out, this is not all.

Two programmers and AI enthusiasts, Justin Pinkney and Doron Adler, have just created a new mind-bending "toonification" system that basically turns your portrait into a cute cartoon character. Thanks to deep learning, the algorithm fine-tunes the original face and blends it with a cartoon model, keeping the identities the same, but the features cartoonish.

Apparently, their “Toonify” website got so much attention on social media, with people flocking to the website to toonify their selfies, that the costs got out of hand and the team had to temporarily turn off the server.

While they’re working on bringing it back to us, let’s take a look at some of the most amusing cartoon transformations down below so that you'll have time to decide whether to go for Elsa from Frozen, or stick to the Nemo makeover.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Classic Painting | Most Famous Recreations Classic Paintings

Classic Painting | Most Famous Recreations Classic Paintings 

I really love art, admiring beauty and talent. I want to actualize great painting from different cultural traditions to show people that it is much closer than it seems. My replicas encourage everyone to look at the paintings in detail. I think it’s important.

I started to imitate pieces of art for the #gettychallenge. At the beginning, I decided to do it daily for 30 days, but at the end of this period, I couldn’t stop. I'm still continuing and now I am on day 130. I have recreated Middle Eastern galleries, ancient, Indian, Red Cross posters, and others.

I do everything on my own: makeup, costumes, lighting with a table lamp, and shooting just with my phone’s camera, using very simple things which surround me at home.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Fatemeh Hamami - Paralysed Portraits Artist Using Her Feets

Fateme Hamami Nasrabadi Physically Challenged Iranian Artist Becomes Internet Sensation By Drawing Portraits Using Only Her Feet 

Fateme Hamami Nasrabadi 28-year-old artist who is 85 percent paralyzed and paints using two toes of her right foot? A genius, we’re sure. This young Iranian artist. who is making waves across the world creating amazing portraits of her favorite celebs.

For the physically challenged, performing routine mundane tasks is an uphill task, but Fateme is made of sterner stuff. She found the strength and perseverance to follow her heart and become an artist, despite her debilitating handicap. Since her very childhood, she has remained passionate about drawing and she followed her dream of taking up painting and drawing professionally when she was just 16!

What’s more, Fateme is also a diehard football fan and loves Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. She took it upon herself to paint the portraits of these two great footballers. She said in an interview, “My interest in football made me draw portraits of famous world football players, including Ronaldo and Messi. My friends helped me send a photo of the portraits to La Liga. La Liga appreciated this and sent me a Real T-shirt.”The Portuguese football star, Ronaldo, even promised Fateme that he would personally see her work, whenever he visits Iran.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Artists Created Landscapes Scenery Arts Using Wool Painting

Artists Created Landscapes Scenery Arts Using Wool Painting 

I often get told that my pictures are so lifelike that they think it’s a photo. That is the response that I hope for. In doing what I do, I hope to convince the observer that using wool instead of paint is a genuine art form and a wonderful medium to use, and not just a craft.

I have been creating felt landscapes using various types of wool for 4 years now. The pictures are made by wet and needle felting the wool fibers together using soap, water, and lots of agitation. I love being out in nature and I often use where I live in Scotland as inspiration for my creations.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Tatsuo Horiuchi Creates Amazing Art Painting Using Microsoft Excel

Meet Tatsuo Horiuchi, a 73-year-old Japanese, who creates highly detailed paintings with the most unexpected software – MS Excel. The newly discovered artist has been interested in graphic arts for a long time, but only since his retirement 13 years ago he finally got the time he needed for the new hobby. Horiuchi has never used Excel at work and got interested in this particular software only for two reasons – it was more affordable than Photoshop (he had Excel preinstalled on his PC) and easier to use than MS Paint. Horiuchi’s artworks have already been presented in many exhibitions and the artist even won Excel Autoshape Art Contest in 2006.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Incredible Digital Painting Techniques And Tutorials

Incredible Digital Painting Techniques And Tutorials
Incredible Digital Painting Techniques And Tutorials
Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus, and software. Traditional painting is painting with a physical medium as opposed to a more modern style like digital. Digital painting differs from other forms of digital art, particularly computer-generated art, in that it does not involve the computer rendering from a model. The artist uses painting techniques to create the digital painting directly on the computer. All digital painting programs try to mimic the use of physical media through various brushes and paint effects. Included in many programs are brushes that are digitally styled to represent the traditional style like oils, acrylics, pastels, charcoal, pen and even media such as airbrushing. There are also certain effects unique to each type of digital paint which portraying the realistic effects of say watercolor on a digital 'watercolor' painting. In most digital painting programs, the user can create their own brush style using a combination of texture and shape. This ability is very important in bridging the gap between traditional and digital painting.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Colorful Shots High Speed of Bullet Photography

It is almost impossible to capture a speeding bullet with your eye and the impact the bullet creates is even faster and happens within a blink of an eye.

It will be very much interesting to see how the objects look while breaking and shape it takes after hitting with a bullet.

Here are excellent high speed photos of bullets passing through various objects, captured using high speed cameras.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Digital Black And White Photos | Artwork Photography Gallery

Digital Beautiful Black And White Photography Art Gallery In her landscape legendary photos Toni Frissell Tips impresses with a strong trend toward surrealism or realism. Latest photo presented below, although in black & white, is both extremely sharp and clear. To achieve such level of clarity in black and white is extremely hard designs.

Take Digital Camera from Store or Market and make Film - Art - Wedding Invitations - Portraits - Movie Posters - Wallpaper and Prints for Sale

Black and White Illustrations, Custom Diagrams, Pencil Drawings, Paintings, sketches

Unfortunately, the photographer is unknown. The images seems to be taken at exact the right moment from exactly the right angle with a perfect lighting. Black and white can be powerful as well.

posters displays something, it tells a story. It is both emotional and beautiful. This is what the originality of black-and-white-photography is all about.

specializes in portrait photography. Some of her photos are provoking, some are strange and some are extremely beautiful.

renown animal photographer which has become famous with his book of photographs, “On This Earth”, which was published in October 2005.

Taking a shot just at the right moment.Realism at its best. Awarded with International Photography Awards in 2007.extraordinary contrast and perspective. Strong, clean and very precise shot.

most famous contemporary black and white photographers. Classic!

works pay close attention to small, tiny details. The tones are perfects and compositions are beautiful which is why the photos are presented in this post. Notice the sharp contrast and the lighting at the first image below and the sharp pathway leading to the light in the second one. Artistic yet beautiful and extremely powerful shot.

high-contrast, minimalist black and white compositions have influenced a generation of photographers. By isolating the essential elements of a scene, his pictures show a style that is unique and immediately recognizable.

an advertising and journalistic photographer known for his black and white candid shots of ironic and absurd situations within everyday settings — the master of the “indecisive moment”.

own understanding of professional black-and-white-photography. Unusual, abstract and surrealistic works.famous due to his Earth photos.

Capturing the right moment at the right point of time.Perfect timing, perfect lighting. A dreamy shot.

photographs simple people in simple situations. Result: extraordinary photos of simple things surrounding our life.

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