Showing posts with label Wonderful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wonderful. Show all posts

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wonderful Scenes of the Universe

One may wonder why a coronal has such higher temperature. Picture clearly shows a vague snapped shot of the sun's surface along with relatively thin strips of corona. This rare scene is hardly seen from the Earth. Their temperature is hundreds times higher than the sun. Astronomers have long been searching the main source of the cyclic heat radiation that causes magnetic field within the solar surface. From the close observation via the orbiting satellites, one can see the far ultraviolet and its related images. These images revealed to the astronomers that the surface thermal radiation is less between the ring and the solar surface. These relatively high temperature grand corollas have more than 30 times of the diameter of our earth.

This is the hub of the universe that explains the entire background of the circumstance of the mysterious stars in the space.

This is a planet of Venus, which is located the second nearest to the sun. It is considered as a "springboard" for the spacecraft to fly through the distant Jupiter, particularly when fuel savings is being considered. This photograph was captured in February 1990 when the Galileo spacecraft flying over the Venus. This image shows us the turbulent state of the sulphuric acid clouds over the surface of Venus. The sunlight reflection of the upper atmosphere of Venus surface appears extremely bright. Recently, a controversy has aroused widespread interest on the hypothesis that proposed the possibility of the bacteria dwelling in the upper atmosphere of Venus.

This is the best photo of Saturn ever captured in 2003 by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The Saturn situated close to the earth on December 31, 2004. Its location to the Earth is the closest within the recent 30 years ever observed. Through a good small telescope, one may also see the beauty of Saturn's rings.

Some people say the machine can create unbelievable art at the time it is crossing the rings' of Saturn. This is a lateral view image of Saturn's rings captured by a non-man operated Cassini spacecraft in March 2005. The distance between the Cassini spacecraft and the Titan II at that moment was 1.001 million meters. The Cassini spacecraft planned to complete the trips of 70 laps around Saturn within the next three years since 2006.

This image shows the farthest galaxies in the universe. It also reveals a great success of the international study group of the astronomers who discovered the most distant galaxies in the universe. The galaxy is 13 billion light years from the Earth and it was born 7.5 billion years after the Big Bang, and at that time the largest universe has not reached to the age of 5% as compared to its present age now.

This black and white photo shows the pyramid captured by the satellite imaging system on November 17, 1999.

This is the best image ever captured on the Mars. It was captured by the HST that was rotating around the Earth on June 26, 2003. The Mars was said to be located 68 million kilometres from the Earth, which was claimed as the closest location ever from the Earth since 1988.

This photo was taken on July 17, 2003. It reflects the aspirations of human to explore the space.

The sun was flashing a light of rainbow.

These four different characteristics of the sun was taken at different wavelengths include (a) Fe IX / X, 17.1nm, (b) Fe XII, 19.5nm, (c) Fe XV, 28.4nm and (d) helium II / Si XI, 30.4nm. This image was taken using Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on October 27, 1998.

This solar image shows a wavelength of Fe XII, 19.5nm and it was taken by SOHO. Few bright suns's region explains the active area of the sun, while several dark regions are coronal holes. The ring that engulfs around the sun is called coronal.

This HST captured image provides astronomers details on the whirlpool galaxy and dust clouds. This whirlpool galaxy is also called M51 or NGC 5194 galaxy to where most of the stars were born. There is another nearby galaxy called NGC 5195 located closer to NGC 5194 galaxy, and its gravity affects the star formation of the whirlpool galaxy. This image clearly shows bright, young red constellations in the universe.

This broad-beam sombrero type of the galaxy has a huge protruding part in its appearance. Such galaxy is younger than some of the galaxies in the universe; nevertheless, it has not yet developed into an elegant whirlpool galaxy. This hat resembled galaxy is called M104 with its dark belt blanketing around its central part. Careful analysis found that many bright spot seem in the image is actually Globular Clusters. The magnificent ring of M104 contains many young and bright stars.

This image was captured by the HST. It shows nearly-death stars, which were located 4,000 light years from the Earth with their surroundings engulfing by many hail-like substances. This image also revealed that the nearly-death stars were releasing some compressed gaseous. The outflow of the gaseous started spreading outward in a bubble shape. It is obvious that the central part of the stars were surrounded by a layer dust of black belt. Astronomers believed that this black belt contains lots of dust and other substances which appear undistinguishable. They also said that they are not certain how long does the evaporation within the central part of the stars last. They added that its central temperature is as high as 250,000 degree Celsius. Also, the astronomers claimed that they had never observed these stars before.

This image was captured on February 26, 1998 on Aruba Island. Due to the shade of the moon shadow, the solar formed into a rarely seen world's largest and natural "glasses", with the scene called "total solar eclipse".

Astronomers obtained this Ring Nebula image using the HST. It shows a heated gas ring of the Ring Nebula.

This mysterious scene of Eskimo Nebula was captured by NASA in December 1999. As seen by the ground-based telescopes of the nebula called NGC2392 resembled face coated with a thick coat and thus astronomers had named it as Eskimo Nebula. This so-called thick coat is actually the ring formation of the comet-like substance.

This image shows "Polar-Ring" of NGC 4650A galaxies. It is located 130 million light years distance away from the Earth and it is one of the known polar-ring out of a total of 100. Its formation is still remained unknown, but astronomers believed that its formation may due to the collision between two galaxies dated back 10 million years ago.

The image shows the collision between the comet and the Jupiter.

This image shows fragments of Comet Shoemaker, Levy 9.

This image was taken by Kitty Peak National Observatory of the United States on March 28, 1993. It detailed the diagram of Comet Shoemaker, Levy 9 revolving around the Jupiter.

Pavo, a distance of 750,000 light years cylindrical spiral galaxy called NGC 6872. It interacted well with the northern neighbourhood galaxy called IC 4970. This grand scene was captured using a Very Large Telescope (VLT) by the European Southern Observatory.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Italy's Beautiful Flower Carpets | Flower Festival Rome

If you ever plan to go to Rome for the second week of May, go to a neighboring town Gensano to see the famous Infioratu - festival of colors. Gensano Infiorata - Beautiful Flower Festival, which was founded in 1778. Each year, local artists cover the entire street (Belardo) floral carpets on the establishment of which they were inspired paintings on various subjects. Festival of Flowers begins with the collection of millions of colors for 2-3 days before the event. They keep fresh in the caves Gensano, and artists paint their masterpieces on the sidewalk Via Belardo. The festival ends on Monday, the third week of June, when children are allowed to run on the flowers, destroying the great work.

Friday, March 5, 2010

World craziest sculptures Of Elizabeth McGrath

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