Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl Food

For American sports fans, this weekend's Super Bowl is the biggest day on the sporting calendar.And how better to celebrate the day than by combining American football with a love of meat? Let this mouth watering tribute wet your palate and get you (even more) pumped up for the big game!Would you get down with one of these larger-than-life meat sculptures? Who cares about heart disease if your team wins! Amirite?

Super Bowl Food
Super Bowl Food Ideas

Sunday, October 3, 2010

World's Largest Pot of Bortsch Soup Recipe

A Russian chef bortsch recipes in a huge-sized pot during an international agricultural exhibition on the outskirts of Kiev, capital of Ukraine, on Oct. 2, 2010. By putting 250 kilograms of cabbages, 90 kilograms of onions, 80 kilograms of carrots, 140 kilograms of beans and 27 kilograms of salt into a 5,000-liter soup pot, chefs finally created 4,000 liters of "borscht", setting a new world record.

[borscht] ingredient It usually contains beet, which gives it a strong red color. Other typical additional ingredients, depending on preparation, Non vegetarian are vegetarian (beans, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, onions or tomatoes), the mushrooms and meat (chicken, pork or beef).

It is commonly accepted that the borscht is originally from Ukraine, but part of the local culinary heritage of many countries of eastern and central Europe. The soup is called barščiai in Lithuania, barszcz in Poland, borscht (Борщ) in Russia and Ukraine and bors in Romania.

There are two kinds of barszcz : white (Bialy) and red (Czerwony); it is prepared from sugar beet and is one of twelve traditional dishes from the table on Christmas Eve Polish.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Costa Coffee Toast Marmite on a Canvas

Nathan Wyburn A Welsh artist has created a series of portrait of celebrities using jam and marmite with toast as canvas.

Nathan Wyburn from Ebbw Vale created his tasty collection based on celebrities Britain's would most like to have breakfast with.

The unique works of art, which include X Factor host Cheryl Cole and football hero David Beckham, are on show at Costa Coffee's new store in Towcester.

The toast was applied to boards and from a crib sheet for each celebrity Nathan used Marmite to create the artwork.

In the end celebrities included David Beckham, Cheryl Cole and Stephen Fry on the right hand side with Alan Carr and Rowan Atkinson featuring on the left.

The artwork marked not only the opening of the new Towcester store but also the nationwide launch of the new breakfast menu.

Nathan worked away one slice at a time and seemed quite happy with all the press attention that he was getting.

The artwork will no doubt further confound people on how to pronounce Towcester, or perhaps it will help. Toaster.

The new Costa Coffee opened last week and is open 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Saturday and 10 am to 5 pm on Sundays.

Source : Mirror via About My Area

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monster Vegetables Gardening

Organic Monster Vegetables Garden - Let's hope the neighbours like cabbage. Amateur gardener Jimmy Hill is promising to share his crop with them and, judging by this picture, there's a lot to go round.

Mr Hill, 53, has grown a row of the monster vegetables, the biggest of which is 5ft across and will weigh 80lb when it's ready to cut.

Mechanic Mr Hill also grows onions, carrots and cucumbers in the rear garden of his home in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.

Monster veg: Jimmy Hill, 53, planted his cabbage seeds in May and watched in disbelief as the mammoth vegetables grew to span an incredible 5ft in width

It is not his first bumper crop and in previous years he and wife Jackie, 51, have run out of ideas about how to eat them.

'I like them and my wife is a wonderful cook but I have to admit there are only so many ways you can cook them, so I reckon we'll give them away to neighbours.

'People say I should enter shows but for me it's just a hobby.'

Monday, August 16, 2010

Paper Made Dishes

Paper shows dishes made mainly by paper at a restaurant in Nantou, southeast China's Taiwan. As a paper factory manufactures a kind of edible paper by fibers of vegetables and fruits, many local restaurants develop new paper-made dishes to attract customers.

Friday, August 13, 2010

World's largest barbecue - the ‘God-grilla’

World's largest BBQ 'God-grilla' that can cook 1,000 sausages at once An engineer has spent three months and £10,000 creating the world's largest barbecue which weighs two tonnes and measures a whopping 16ft across.

The gargantuan BBQ - understandably dubbed 'God-grilla' - is so big makers say it could be used to simultaneously cook 1,000 sausages, 500 burgers or (if you prefer) two whole cows.

It's the brainchild of 31-year-old Jack Henriques who runs the Bespoke BBQ Company and says he already has plans to make a bigger one.

However you might want to think about it before ordering one to outdo your neighbours… it takes 14 bags of coal to ignite and can heat up to 500 degrees centigrade.

Speaking of the big BBQ, Jack said: "The BBQ is fitted with hinged panels at the back to allow access to add more logs to the fire.

"It is fitted with seven separate coal trays and has the capacity to cook seven whole lambs at once."

While the God-grilla is the largest fixed barbecue in the world, there is truck in the US called the Big Taste Grill which has been converted into a touring BBQ.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Make Brain Cupcakes

So you’re preparing your ultimate zombie-themed dinner party, and you’re stuck for a dessert. Or you’re entertaining a zombie who’s recently gone vegetarian, and is jonesing for those good old days of gray matter and the delicious taste of human brains. Whatever your reasons, you need a brainy treat that puts the “sweet” back into “sweetmeats.”

These delicious desserts were created by Jennifer at Cups and Cakes Bakery, in San Francisco, California, and she was kind enough to let us come in and record the entire process. Here’s how you, too, can create delicious bite-sized brains for you and your victi…er, guests. First up, a quick instructional video, followed by a detailed recipe.

Read More :- Orbit Books

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

how to make bacon from scratch

How to Make Bacon at Home from Scratch: Baked or Smoked Methods You have got to learn how to make bacon from scratch! I recently tried this for the first time and I've got to share it with you because it turned out fantastically! If you are like me, you love bacon. The smokey, rich, salty flavor is delicious either on its own with breakfast or used to wrap grilled foods like scallops, prawns, dates or game birds. You can also cut up chunks of homemade bacon, called lardons, to lard poultry before roasting, to add flavor to stews and soups or even to augment your salads. With store bought bacon, most is thinly sliced and rather lacking in flavor. When making bacon at home from scratch you can cut it into any size or shape you want! Thick country-style slices or lardons are no problem. The uses are endless. And the flavor? Well watch out! This homemade bacon is delicious and much more bold and rich in flavor than all but the very best store brought types. Learn how to make bacon now!

Most people have not made bacon at home and consider the idea of curing meats and learning how to make bacon at home a bit scary. However, making bacon at home is actually not that hard. Here I will teach you a simple method how to make bacon, how to cure bacon and then bake or smoke it. It can then keep for a while in your fridge or even longer in your freezer. Its definitely worth the effort!

Read More :- The Fire Pit and Grilling Guru Guide

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cobra hamburgers

A Cobra meat harvested for hamburgers worker picks up a bunch of skinned cobras as they are prepared to be made into meat in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The snakes are caught and processed into burgers, which are served at local restaurants. Behold the slightly terrifying process and its ultimately delicious recipes looking results

Source:- CNN Via Life

Monday, June 7, 2010

Perfect Thin and Crisp French Fries

How to Make Perfect prepare Thin and Crisp French Fries McDonald's french fries are great recipe. At their best, they are everything a french fry should be: salty, crisp, light, and not greasy. Granted, you get the occasional odd franchise that lets'em sit under the heat lamp for a couple hours too long, but on the whole, I find it remarkable that the bigwigs have discovered a way to create a frozen fry that even a one armed eyeless chimp has trouble screwing up. And I know, because they've got one working the fry station at the franchise on my corner.

To be absolutely honest, I've never been able to make fries as good as theirs (shhhhh!). Sure, my thick-cut pub-style fries are super-potatoey and fantastic, and when I'm in the mood for them, my seasoned steak fries can't be beat, but for thin, super-crisp fries (I'm talking the kind that only appear in fast food restaurants and French bistros under the name frites)? I'm always better off running down to the take-out window than bothering to fry them myself at home.

Read More :- Serious Eats

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

World custard pie championship

Fifty competitors have been clowning about in the 43rd world custard pie championships in Kent.

Teams at the event, in the village of Coxheath near Maidstone, were given maximum points for throwing a pie squarely into their opponents' faces.

Judges also awarded up to five points for the most original and amusing throwing techniques.

This year's champions were the High Pressure Cleaning team who beat last year's winners Coxheath in the final.

The championships were started in 1967 by Councillor Mike FitzGerald to help raise funds to build a village hall.

The idea for the charity event came from a Charlie Chaplin comedy, Behind The Screen.

Mr FitzGerald said it has proved such a success teams had entered from as far afield as Germany and South Africa.

He said: "I think people just like to give vent to their feelings and have a lot of fun.

"A lot of people come from office jobs and are pleased to get outside.

"You get bankers and people who work in building societies and they just like to let go.

"They dress up for it as well so people don't know who they are."

The pies do not actually contain custard, but are made using a secret recipe.

Source:- BBC And Telegraph

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Homegirl Cafe

The exterior of Homegirl cafe catering is a new place in Los Angeles ca , staffed by 30 at risk and formerly gang involved young women. They make lunches and learn catering work at supporting cooking classes. who are training to learn restaurant and catering work They might get a full time employment and change their lives for better.

Source:- Reuters