Showing posts with label Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facts. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Alcohol and Drug Facts For Kids - Facts About Drug You Didn't Know

Alcohol and Drug Facts For Kids - Facts About Drug You Didn't Know 

A drug is any substance that causes a change in an organism's physiology or psychology when consumed. Drugs are typically distinguished from food and substances that provide nutritional support. Consumption of drugs can be via inhalation, injection, smoking, ingestion, absorption via a patch on the skin, suppository, or dissolution under the tongue.

Here are 20 other facts about alcohol and drug abuse that you probably did not know: 13 is the average age children experiment with drugs. If you think drugs won't affect your health, think again. Get the facts about the most commonly abused drugs.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Common Misconceptions - Most Mistake People Think Are True

Common Misconceptions - Most Mistake People Think Are True 

This is a list of common misconceptions. Each entry is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. These entries are concise summaries of the main subject articles, which can be consulted for more detail.

the world's most common misconceptions, mistaken beliefs about science, nature, law, history, and more.

Monday, October 19, 2020

True & Fun Facts That will Blow Your Mind | Interesting Facts

True & Fun Facts That will Blow Your Mind | Interesting Facts About Literally Everything | Fun Facts That'll Actually Make Your Life Better | Amazing Facts To Make You The Most Interesting Person | Fun Facts for Kids 

That’s right, you didn’t misread, here we have one thousand random and interesting facts about literally everything you could think of. Here at The Interesting Facts That will Blow Your Mind, So we’ve spent months researching the biggest & best list of interesting, random facts, all for you – for free! One thousand may seem like a lot – that’s because it is! If you don’t have time to read them all now, and visit whenever you like! Before you start, here’s a quick Facts with our favorite interesting facts from this list!

Laugh & giggle through Random facts for kids! Print them for science fact of the day, conversation starts or wacky fun for class or home. WTF Fun Facts is updated daily with interesting & funny random facts. We post about health, celebs/people, places, animals, history information and much more.

Love learning about crazy coincidences and bizarre facts? Then read these amazing facts that will tickle your brain!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Sharks Facts | Surprising Facts You Need to Know About Sharks

Sharks Facts | Surprising Facts You Need to Know About Sharks | Shark Facts That May Surprise You | Shocking Facts about Sharks for kids 

Sharks Fish are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. Modern sharks are classified within the clade Selachimorpha and are the sister group to the rays.

However, the term "shark" has also been used for extinct members of the subclass Elasmobranchii outside the Selachimorpha, such as Cladoselache and Xenacanthus, as well as other Chondrichthyes such as the holocephalid eugenedontidans.

The earliest known sharks date back to more than 420 million years ago. Acanthodians are often referred to as "spiny sharks"; though they are not part of Chondrichthyes proper, they are a paraphyletic assemblage leading to cartilaginous fish as a whole. Since then, sharks have diversified into over 500 species.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Surprising Facts About Moon | Interesting Moon Facts For Kids

Surprising Facts About Moon | Interesting Moon Facts For Kids 

The Moon is an astronomical body orbiting Earth and is the planet's only natural satellite. It is the fifth-largest satellite in the Solar System, and by far the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that it orbits. The Moon is, after Jupiter's satellite Io, the second-densest satellite in the Solar System among those whose densities are known.

The Moon is thought to have formed about 4.51 billion years ago, not long after Earth. The most widely accepted explanation is that the Moon formed from the debris left over after a giant impact between Earth and a hypothetical Mars-sized body called Theia. New research of Moon rocks, although not rejecting the Theia hypothesis, suggests that the Moon may be older than previously thought.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Facts About Maya Civilization | Mayan People Things You Should Know About

Facts About Maya Civilization | Mayan People Things You Should Know About 

The Mayan civilization is one of the most amazing, mysterious, and at the same time one of the most attractive populations who have ever lived on our planet. The peculiarities of this civilization attract scientists and ordinary people, as it left many questions that have been waiting for answers for centuries. And the smartest people in the world are still racking their brains, trying to figure out their secrets.

We decided to dive into the mysterious world of the Mayan people in order to learn the interesting facts about the civilization that disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared.

Friday, July 17, 2020

20 Secrets Things Women Want From the Men in Their Lives

20 Secrets Things Women Want From the Men in Their Lives 

I’ve conducted a lot of research regarding women's friendships and the ways that people can most effectively maintain healthy connections over the long-term. In a recent study, however, we explored what women, from 18 to 75, need from the men in their lives. Not surprisingly, the qualities women seek in heterosexual romantic partners, male friends, and men in general, are not all that different from what they seek in a friend. This makes sense: Any good relationship is built on some basic, down-to-earth qualities.

Women don’t need partners who invest all their energy in trying to prove how strong, manly, masculine, macho, or heroic they are. They just want men who are willing to meet them where they are and treat them fairly and equitably — and are able to make sure that the romantic spark keeps burning.

There’s no reliable assessment that can predict whether someone is going to be a good match for you or not.

Friday, July 3, 2020

25 Strange But True Facts That Will Shock You

25 Strange But True Facts That Will Shock You 

Some of these facts might even leave you squirming in your seat or looking at World in an entirely different way. Crazy, but true. I read about them on Internet. This year, we're celebrating with some of the greatest fun facts about ... with some crazy facts that are wildly unknown but still surprisingly true.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Interesting Facts About Twins | Identical Twins Pictures

Identical Twins PicturesGemini amazed mankind for thousands of years. Even today, when to zaimet five or six children, there is nothing unusual, the twins continue to attract attention. Yet many do not understand what being a twin. We offer you some interesting facts about twins.
Facts About Twins22% left-handed twins. Among the general population the figure is much lower - 10%.
Identical Twins PicturesNumber of births of twins depends on the place of their birth.
Facts About TwinsDistinguish between identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic) twins, as well as seven different subtypes, such as various types of conjoined twins.
Twins are not always born in the same day.

Facts About Twins The twins do not necessarily have to be a father.
Facts About TwinsDo identical twins are different fingerprints.
Facts About TwinsAbout 25% of monozygotic twins are called mirror.

Do identical twins is almost the same EEG.
Gemini can come to his birthday party in Twinsburg, the festival of twins in Ohio, USA, or in competition twins in London.

Facts About TwinsEach of the twins develop their own language (speech).
The twins a DNA, but not identical.
Facts About TwinsCertain diets can increase the chance of giving birth to twins.
Facts About TwinsBy the birth of fraternal twins' mother are genetically predisposed. The birth of identical twins by accident.
Identical Twins PicturesDizygotic twins can have different skin color.
Identical Twins PicturesThe twins can be different prenatal ages.
Identical Twins Pictures12 kg 340 g - the biggest in the history of the weight of twins at birth.
Identical Twins PicturesThe twins were divided at birth but later reunited, are very similar in interests and personality.
Facts About TwinsScientists believe that the number of possible cases of multiple births much more than cases of birth.
Facts About TwinsNumber of types and genders of twins strangely symmetrical.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Two-Wing Flying fish photos | Flying fish facts

Ever see the fish fly? This fish is not just jumping out of the water surface but is also capable of flying up to 200 meters even together can form a formation flying as far as 400 meters.

Beautiful Flying fish have fins large enough, approximately 30 45 cm -. Speed "fly" it can reach 60 km / h and a distance of 30 to 50 m, there is even an estimate can reach hundreds of meters, with the help of the waves. Record for the longest flight of flying fish is 45 seconds.

Two-Wing Flying fish photos

Fly fishing using aerodynamic body to penetrate the surface of water at high speed and large fins and a strange function like the wings to keep it flying above the waves.

Two-Wing Flying fish photos

Fly fishing is not really a flying animals, like birds, but only just floated. Flying fish can easily cover the distance up to 200 meters or more and can reach a height sufficient to - unintentionally - perched on the deck-deck ships.

Two-Wing Flying fish photos

The first reason flying fish that have 40 or more of these species is due to fly to escape or avoid the action of the marine predators like fish mackerel, tuna, swordfish and marlin. However, this fish is also wary of the threat of bird beak above it, in addition to these fish are also being hunted by fishermen in Japan and Barbados for the meal.

Two-Wing Flying fish photos

Mechanism of how these fish can fly too simple. Initially they will be accelerated in the water until it reaches the speed of 70 km / h assisted by flapping their tails. Once they jump on the water, fins-flippers will expand and take advantage of the wind to gain altitude. Sometimes they thumped his tail to keep the high jump and change direction.

Two-Wing Flying fish photos

In several species of flying fish wings on the chest also assisted in the rear wing, so the four wings of this kind beratraksi greater in the air. Although his flying ability is not far away, flying fish can fly together, with a unique formation for a distance of up to 400 meters.

Two-Wing Flying fish photos

Two-Wing Flying fish photos

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter

he Great White Shark is the largest known predatory fish in the sea, at the top of its food chain with no natural predators. They’re equipped with two of the most powerful sensing mechanisms in Nature, a highly developed sense of smell, and the ability to sense the electrical fields radiating from living creatures. Also known as the white shark, white pointer, blue pointer, man-eater, and manila shark, this killing machine averages a length up to 20 feet (6 meters) and 5,000 pounds (2,270 kilos).
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter

Great White Sharks bear a set of nostrils near the tip of their conical snout, used solely for olfactory purposes to sniff out their prey, while breathing through their gills. The nostrils are divided by a small flap of skin separating the water into 2 flows, one incoming and one outgoing. The flow passes through a section with countless small sensory organs called lamellae, shaped like tiny flower petals covered with millions of olfactory cells. These cells are linked directly to the center of the brain responsible for detecting odors.
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
But the secret weapon in the Great White’s arsenal are ampullae — small pore-like markings on the snout — which provide the shark with the ability to sense the electrical fields of their prey. Each is a minute capsule filled with a gel like substance the shark excretes, sensitive to electrical discharges as low as .005 micro volts. This remarkable sensitivity is due to both the large number of ampullae, and their numerous sensory cells in each to pick up the signal which is also directly linked to the brain.

Every living creature in the sea discharges a small electrical field. Mucous membranes that coat the mouth and gills of fish also create steady current fields affected by their breathing patterns. A wounded bleeding animal produces yet another set of electrical information.

By their ability to discern these sets of information, Great Whites can detect and distinguish between prey swimming peacefully, those moving quickly in panic, and those which might be bleeding and debilitated. Recent research on interactions between great whites and various species of seals and sea lions suggests that great whites also hunt their prey visually.

These 2 sensory mechanisms make for an inescapable and formidable predator.

The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
Food and Feeding Behavior
While young, White sharks feed on fish, rays, and other sharks, and as they begin to mature they’ll feed on marine mammals and forage for large animal carcasses. Progressing to small harbor seals, they hunt sea lions, elephant seals, and small toothed whales as they increase in size. Occasionally feeding on sea turtles and sea otters, they’ve been known to attack but not eat humans.

Camouflaging themselves near rocky bottoms, they’ll watch for unsuspecting prey near the surface. Once an animal is sighted, they accelerate quickly to the surface and ram into their kill from beneath, simultaneously stunning it and inflicting a large, potentially fatal bite. They then return to feed on the carcass.
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
The Great White Shark - Fearsome Hunter
World Range & Habitat
Great Whites have one of the widest geographic ranges of any marine animal, found in all cold temperate and tropical waters from 60°N latitude to 60°S latitude. Recent satellite tracking studies reveal that they migrate long distances, sometimes crossing entire oceans.

They can be found along the central California coast hunting near elephant seal haul-out areas from October through March, and off the western cape of South Africa near cape fur seal haul-outs from May to September. In North American waters, they’ve been reported from Newfoundland to Florida, and from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska to southern Mexico. Nowhere in its range is the white shark very common, and are becoming increasingly rare.

Great White Shark Attack
The cunning Great White appears almost to be toying with this seal
prior to its ferocious attack.

Top 10 Bizarre Medical Anomalies

[WARNING: some images and content may disturb and are not work safe.]
This list looks at some of the most unusual (and sometimes horrifying) anomalies of medical science.
Diprospus (sometimes called Craniofacial duplication) is a rare disorder in which the face is duplicated on the head (as in the picture above). This is not to be confused with fetus in fetu (item 9) which is a joining of two separate fetuses; diprosopus is caused by a protein called (believe it or not) “sonic hedgehog homolog”. The odd name is due to a controversial tradition in molecular biology to use unusual names for genes. The protein determines the makeup of the face, and when there is too much of it, you get a second face in a mirror image. If you do not have enough of the protein, you can end up with underdeveloped facial features. Children with this defect are normally stillborn, but a young girl, Lali Singh, born in 2008 survived for 2 full months before dying of a heart attack.

Fetus In Fetu<br />

The man pictured above is Sanju Bhagat aged 36 from India. He is fully pregnant with his own twin. Because Sanju lacked a placenta, the fetus inside him attached directly to his blood supply. Doctors delivered the twin which was severely malformed and did not survive. Fetus in fetu is an extremely rare disorder in which a twin somehow becomes connected (internally or partly externally) to its twin while still in the womb. In some cases the fetus in fetu will remain inside the host twin unknown until it begins to cause problems. In more common cases, the signs are visible from the outset and are often initially confused with cysts or cancers. In a recent case a 7 year old boy was discovered to be carrying his twin when his parents noticed that something was moving in his stomach.

Proteus Syndrome

The Elephant Man (Joseph Merrick) is probably the most famous case of Proteus Syndrome. The disease causes excessive bone growth, excessive skin growth, and frequently comes with tumors. Only 200 cases have been confirmed worldwide since the disease was officially discovered in 1979. It is possible to have a minor form of this disease which can go undiagnosed. The case of the Elephant Man has been the sole reason that this disease is so widely known. Sufferers have normal brain function and intelligence.

Möbius Syndrome<br />

Möbius Syndrome is a rare disorder in which the facial muscles are paralyzed. In most cases the eyes are also unable to move from side to side. The disease prevents a sufferer from having any facial expressions, which can make them appear to be uninterested or “dull” - sometimes leading to people thinking they are rude. Sufferers have completely normal mental development. The causes are not fully understood and there is no treatment aside from addressing the symptoms (such as an inability to feed as a baby).

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome (progeria) will be familiar to people old enough to remember the television program That’s Incredible from the ’80s in which a young sufferer of the disorder appeared. The disease causes premature aging - so rapidly that a young child can look like a very old man (or, if I may be so callous as to point out the obvious, an alien - as in the photograph above). The disease is especially interesting for scientists as it may lend clues to the natural aging process in man. The disease is caused by a genetic mutation, and does not pass from parent to child. There is no known cure, and most children with the disease do not live beyond the age of thirteen - usually dying of stroke or heart attack (diseases usually associated with old age).

Cutaneous Porphyria

Cutaneous porphyria is a disorder that causes blisters, excess hair, swelling, and necrosis of the skin. It can cause red colored teeth and fingernails, and after exposure to sun, urine can turn purple, pink, brown, or black. The disease is thought to be connected to the many werewolf and vampire legends of the past, where a sufferer (who would have lived apart from society) might have been confused for a monster. The disease is part of the more general group of disorders called porphyrias which cover a range of mental and physical disorders due to the overproduction of certain enzymes in the body. The disease gets its name from the Greek word “porphura” which means “purple pigment”.


First off, note the spelling - it is Elephant-iasis not Elephant-itis as many people wrongly think. Elephantiasis is a thickening of the skin (as opposed to proteus syndrome which is a thickening of the bones as well as the skin). Unfortunately, this is a disease that any one of us can get as it is caused by parasitic worms passed on through mosquito bites. It is, consequently, not uncommon in tropical regions and Africa. A slightly different form of the disease is caused through contact with certain types of soil. In some parts of Ethiopa, up to 6% of the population suffers from the disorder. It is one of the most common disabilities in the world. Efforts to eradicate the disease are well underway and it is hoped that it will be successfully relegated to the annals of history by 2020.

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva<br />

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP for short) is a very rare disease that causes parts of the body (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to turn to bone when they are damaged. This can often cause damaged joints to fuse together, preventing movement. Unfortunately surgical removal of the bone growths is ineffective as the body “heals” itself by recreating the removed bone. To make matters worse, the disease is so rare that it is often misdiagnosed as cancer, leading doctors to perform biopsies which can spark off worse growth of these bone-like lumps. The most famous case is Harry Eastlack whose body was so ossified by his death that he could only move his lips. His skeleton is now on display at the Mütter Museum. There is no cure.

Lewandowsky-Lutz Dysplasia

Lewandowsky-Lutz Dysplasia (also known as Epidermodysplasia verruciformis) is an extremely rare inheritable disorder in which warts form on the skin. It normally affects the hands and feet and while it can start in middle ages, it normally begins between the ages of one and twenty. There is no known effective treatment for the disease though surgery can be used to remove the warts. Unfortunately, after surgery the warts begin to return and it is estimated that a sufferer would need at least two surgeries per year to remove them each time they grow back. In 2007 a sufferer had surgery for the disease and thirteen pounds (5.8 kilos) of warts were removed. 95% of the warts were removed.

Diphallia<br />

Diphallia (also known as Penile Duplication) is a condition in which a male is born with two penises. It is a rare disorder with only 1,000 cases recorded. Sufferers are also at a higher risk of spina bifida than men with one penis. A person with diphallia can urinate from one or both of his penises. In most cases, both penises are side by side and the same size, but occasionally one smaller penis will sit atop another larger one. One in 5.5 million men in the United States have two penises.
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