Showing posts with label Craziest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craziest. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Glitter Armpits | Glitter Arm Hair its Now Beauty Trend

UK beauty blogger Sophie Hannah Richardson has Started tutorial Clip showing how to get glitter armpits 

Glitter boobs was the biggest trend at Glastonbury this summer with brave revellers casting aside their tops and bras in favour of sparkly paint and nipple tassels.

Now the latest body part to get the glitzy treatment is the armpits, with UK beauty blogger Sophie Hannah Richardson leading the way it a tutorial on how to achieve the look racking up more than a million views on Instagram.

The popular UK beauty blogger recommended the technique for days when you can't be bothered to pick up a razor as it's ideal for covering up stubble.

Monday, June 28, 2010

25 Craziest Fish Tank | Fish Reef Aquarium

1.The Fish Highway must be really confusing for those little guys
2.Guys in a Tank Watching Guys in a Tank
3.Fishy Car Smells Fishy
4.Water Changes Must Be a Pain!
5.This self-cleaning tank comes with a garden that filters the water while providing sufficient oxygen for your fishy friends
6.Fish bowl purse looks cool
6.Fish and Bird Haven
7.The best ever use for an old computer
8.A Tacky Toilet Fish Tank
9.if giant jets of water poured down on your head without actually touching you
10.Telephone Fish Tank
11.Fish Tank Coffee Table
12.Don't worry, the gumballs aren't real
13.The machine's direction is determined by a sensor, which directs it whichever way the fish swims.
14.iPond is a speaker and unreasonably small fish tank
15.The Deepest Show on Television These Days
16.Mini Aquarium
17.Fish can be couch potatoes too
18.A Very Scientific Looking Tank
19.Shark Tunnel
20.That fish has a life expectancy of about five minutes
21.Aquadome in Germany
22.Artsy Fish Tank
23.Focus and calmness as well as improving athletic ability and improving general health
24.The tank above was only designed to imitate the design of a television set, but the one below is the real thing
25.Nike Shoe Aquarium from Japan

Friday, March 5, 2010

World craziest sculptures Of Elizabeth McGrath

Friday, February 19, 2010

Extraordinary guitars picture | unique guitar designs

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

unusual guitars

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