Showing posts with label Culture And Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culture And Society. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2020

Kenya Tribes - Most Traditions Kenya Peoples and Cultures

Kenya Tribes - Most Traditions Kenya Peoples and Cultures | Meet the Tribes of Kenya, Culture and Tradition | History of Kenyan - Women in Kenya 

Kenya is a land of great diversity in its people and cultures. they have about 42 tribes in Kenya with different languages and cultures that all merge to become the unique mix of Kenyan culture. The biggest six tribes comprises about half the Kenya population and hence there is a higher influence to Kenyan culture from the people of these big tribes.

The diverse cultures in Kenya give rise to very interesting mix of traditional dresses and clothing. Most people have their own traditional way of dressing which makes it very interesting. Different people have different cultural beliefs and practices. Traditional marriage ceremonies are big events for all Kenya tribes although they are all done with their own unique flavor. All Kenya people speak the national Language of Swahili and most people speak English too. Therefore, all Kenyan people can communicate with each other with ease. Most people speak their own traditional languages too.

Tribes People Central Bantu: Kikuyu, Akamba, Meru, Embu, Tharaka, Mbere Western Bantu: Gussi, Kuria, Luhya Coastal Bantu: Mikikenda, Swahili, Pokomo, Segeju, Taveta, Taita, Plains Nilotic: Maasai, Samburu, Teso, Turkana, Elmolo, Njemps Highland Nilotic: Kalenjin, Marakwet, Tugen, Pokot, Elkony, Kipsigis Lake River Nilotic: Luo, Eastern Cushitic: Rendille, Somali, Boran, Gabbra, Orma Southern Cushitic: Boni

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Nguyen Van Chien - Not Cut His 5 Meters Long Hair for 80 Years

Nguyen Van Chien - Not Cut His Five Meters Long Hair for 80 Years from his village about 50 miles (80km) west of Ho Chi Minh City, southern Mekong Delta region, Vietnam

Nguyen Van Chien 92-year-old Man who has not cut his hair for 80 years now has dreadlocks five yards long because he believes he will die if he chops his locks.

Nguyen Van Chien, from the southern Mekong Delta region, Vietnam, follows a faith that prescribes to leaving everything that a person is born with untouched. 'I believe if I cut my hair I will die. I dare not to change anything, not even combing it,' Chien said speaking from his village about 50 miles (80km) west of Ho Chi Minh City.

'I only nurture it, cover it in a scarf to keep it dry and clean and looking nice.' Chien, who worships nine powers and seven gods, believes it was his calling to grow his hair, which he bundles up under an orange turban. He was required to trim it when at school but left after third grade and decided never to cut, comb or wash it again.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Surma Tribe Woman | Biggest Lip Plate to Attract a Husband

Surma Tribe Woman | Biggest Lip Plate to Attract a Husband | Tribeswomen cut their lips aged 12 so they can insert clay plates – in bid to attract a husband with the most cows 

Ethiopian tribeswomen with lip plates measuring up to 24 inches show the lengths prospective brides in the village will go to in order to attract a favorable husband. The women of the Suuri Baale tribe, who live to the west of the Omo Valley in Ethiopia, have their two lower teeth removed and their bottom lip sliced at the age of 12 in order to squeeze in the huge clay plate, which helps attract a wealthy husband. A man's worth in the indigenous tribe is measured by the number of cows he owns.
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