Showing posts with label people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label people. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Custom Dolls For Disabled Children | Dolls Like Me So Kids With Disabilities

Custom Dolls For Disabled Children | Dolls Like Me So Kids With Disabilities | Mom Makes Incredible Custom Dolls For Kids With Disabilities And Illnesses | Amazingly Awesome Dolls with Disabilities 

Dealing with illness and disability is difficult for anyone, but kids have it especially hard. Not only is it a struggle to cope with regularly feeling unwell, but many differently-abled and terminally ill children also face bullying and feel ostracized for being different. However, one mom wants to help alleviate some of loneliness that can come with these conditions by making custom dolls for affected children.

Amy Jandrisevits is a Wisconsin doll maker and mom runs her company, A Doll Like Me, from her dining room table. There, she makes incredible lookalike dolls by hand for kids who struggle to find toys that look like them on store shelves. She creates dolls that match the child’s skin color, amputation, and/or disability to ensure that each child feels represented.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

People Lifestyle Changes That Will Keep You Alive

1. Experience the benefits of sex

Sex has many apparent health benefits. Studies suggest sex can boost your immune system and reduce stress.

2. Keep your teeth clean

Diabetes, low birth weight babies and heart disease have all been linked to gum and bone disease in your mouth. Even heart attacks have been linked to bad dental hygiene.

3. Use the sun

A little sunshine is good for your mood and allows your body to produce necessary vitamin D, which is lacking in some 70 percent of American kids these days.

4. Drink less

After years of hearing that moderate drinking is good for your health, a study in November, 2009 found that having a drink or two each day might be something that healthy people do, rather than the drinks being the cause of their good health. And if you're having more than a couple drinks a day, then you're at higher risk for liver damage and diabetes.

5. Wash your hands

Hand washing remains the best prevention against the flu and many other diseases.

6. Get some rest

Serious lack of sleep -- less than six or seven hours a night -- has been associated with increased risks of high blood pressure, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Lack of sleep can also contribute to auto accidents and on-the-job injuries.

7. Stop smoking

About half of all smokers die from smoking, and of these, about half die around age 50 or sooner.

8. Don't stress

Stress kills. It causes deterioration in everything from your gums to yourheart and can make you more susceptible to a range of ills, from colds to cancer.

9. Exercise

Over and over, studies find a host of exercise benefits, not just for your body: It can raise kids' academic performance and stimulate adult brains. Exercise makes bones stronger and alleviates many types of chronic pain. Regular exercise has even been associated with a lower risk of cancer.

10. Eat better

Choose real food instead of sugar laced with traces of real food. Cook at home rather than eating fast food, and use spices, rather than gobs and gobs of oil or sugar, to spice up your meals.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chinese Stuntman Eating Light Bulbs

Zhang Yujian performs a stunt of eating a light bulb in Mudanjiang City, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Nov. 22, 2010. Zhang ate two bulbs during his performance Monday. His best record is said to eat three bulbs in 120 seconds.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Australian Spider Man to Spend Three Weeks

67-year-old Nick Le Souef Australian Spider Man to Spend Three Weeks with Poisonous Spiders Imagine living in a confined space for three weeks with more than 300 spiders, including fatally venomous red backs and hairy huntsman.

Nick Le Souef, an Australian businessman from Melbourne, will do exactly that to raise 50,000 dollars for a children's charity.

Passersby will be able to see him in a shop window everyday surrounded by his eight-legged friends.

Souef, a former opal miner, says he will take just one precaution in his mission, he will be spider-free at night.

"The spiders can be roaming around me during the day. They won't have the opportunity to be crawling into my swag (camp bed) at night and sort of saying a quick hello - I mean I'm fairly silly doing this but I'm not stupid," he said.

To begin with, there were about 400 spiders until a 'massacre' happened when the creatures started eating one another.

So now, a few crickets and cockroaches will be thrown into the shop window each day to keep the remaining 300 satisfied.

Souef, who holds the Australian records for three-week stints in a snake pit and a shark tank, originally wanted to do the stunt with snakes, but licensing issues put a stop to that.

Though he does not care much for the spiders, Souef says he will put up with the creepy crawlies for charity and use this time to write his memoirs.

Source : NDTV

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cambodians Ride A Bamboo Train

Cambodians ride a bamboo train, known locally as a lorry, at new village train station in Pusat province 200 km (124 miles) northwest of Phnom Penh October 19, 2010. Cambodia has reopened a stretch of railway destroyed during the country's war and officials described it as a step towards boosting regional trade through rail links with neighbours. The Asian Development Bank is contributing $84 million to a $141 million project to repair 650 km (400 miles) of railway linking Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh, to its borders with Thailand and Vietnam by 2013. The first section officially opened on Friday runs 120 km (75 miles) southwest from Phnom Penh to Touk Meas in Kampot province, near the border with Vietnam. Picture taken October 19, 2010.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Man is Addicted to Eating Live Scorpions

A Chinese man says he has become addicted to eating live scorpions and reckons he's swallowed at least 10,000 over the last 30 years.

Li Liuqun, 58, says he got hooked when he was walking in mountains close to his home in Hunan province, central China, and was stung by a huge scorpion.

"I was so angry I picked it up and bit its head off. It tasted sweet and nutty and I never looked back. To me, they're delicious - like fried beans," he explained.

Now Li will eat 20 or 30 of the live beasts in a single sitting and seems to be immune to their venom, which can paralyse and kill humans in large enough doses.

"I still get stung but they have no effect on me," he said.

Medics say Li has probably become addicted to the venom, which is used in small doses in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve the pain of rheumatism.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Common Cents

Common Cents One Hundred Million Pennies are 100,000,000 in digits or $1 million in dollars. Non-profit organization called Common Cents placed all this money at the Penny Harvest at Rockefeller Center.

national educational, not-for-profit organization, which specializes in creating and managing service-learning programs for young people between the ages of four and 14. Common Cent's most popular and best known program is The Penny Harvest, the largest child philanthropy program in the United States

The organization's co-founder and Executive Director is Teddy Gross. Common Cents receives major funding from several major foundations and the government including: The Ford Foundation, Foundation for Jewish Community, JPMorgan Chase, The New York City Council, The New York City Department of Education.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Disabled Couple

True Love Stories Disabled Couple - She has no legs, he has no arms. But they are happy together and live a usual life of people who love each other. The man does everything around the house using his legs.

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