Monday, September 14, 2020

Jolanda Stokkermans - Mom Creates Animal-Inspired Edible Food Art

Jolanda Stokkermans - Mom Creates Animal-Inspired Edible Food Art 

Jolanda Stokkermans is a married mom living in Koersel, a small village in Belgium, with two children and two Jack Russells. One of her superpowers is meal prepping. Roughly a year ago, Jolanda started creating easy recipes and taking pictures of them, and got so carried away with it, she began presenting the food on a plate in the shape of famous actors, gorgeous flowers, and adorable animals.

Jolanda, aka De Meal Prepper, forms the edible pictures in a realistic style and even paints them, too. Doing both requires immense attention to detail. For example, while balancing different components on a single plate, the mother goes as far as using spices as watercolor pigments to add depth to the piece.

Jolanda Stokkermans can do magic with food. She makes works of art with food and then posts the result on Instagram. On the social networking site, she has great success as 'The Meal Prepper'. Her FoodArt even made it to Ukrainian television, which promptly sent a camera crew to Koersel. Jolanda hopes that she will also make a name for herself in the catering world in the future.

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