Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Older People Share Priceless Advice For Younger Generations

Older People Share Priceless Advice For Younger Generations 

Older generations have decades of experience to share with younger generations. Millennials can spend years slowly gaining the experience — and making the same mistakes — on their own, or they can draw on the wisdom of those who've already been down the same road. While they have unique insights of their own, it's up to today's young adults to listen to those life lessons. Here are 25 practical tips seniors would like to pass on to younger folks.

Old People Share Their Happiest Moments and Best Advice. How has life changed over the last century? We visited the homes of the people who lived through it all and asked them what we can learn.

When our grandparents were growing up, they were hit by their teachers and their parents. When they left school, normally at 16, they were mostly conscripted into "national service"—the UK's mandatory or voluntary government service. Only a small proportion of people had ever been abroad or would ever go to college. Many people got married in their early 20s and only ever slept with one partner for the whole of their life.

What do people who grew up in that world think of how the world has changed? Of the progress in human rights and technology, and the new moral panics that emerged in the 20th century: divorce, drug culture, terrorism, binge drinking, easy credit, and materialism?

We asked five West Midlands retirees about the most important moments of their life, in the hope that their decades of wisdom and experience can tell us about the ways we are going wrong, and the mistakes we should avoid repeating.

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