Saturday, September 19, 2020

Interesting Infographics Everything You Need to Know | To Inspire You

A Collection Of The Best Infographics Ever | Interesting Infographics That Changed the World | infographics to inspire you | Infographic Tips That You Wish You Knew Years Ago | Interesting Infographics For Your Inspiration | Infographics Can Make A Boring Topic Interesting | Interesting Infographics Bound To Blow Your Mind 

Infographics have been around since the first humans started scratching symbols in the dirt, and they’re just as influential today. The continuity makes sense. We are, after all, visually wired. An astonishing half of the human brain is involved with visual processing, and 70 percent of its sensory receptors are in the eyes.

With each passing day, we’re exposed to increased amounts of information. The average person is exposed to five times as much information today compared to 1986. As our brains adapt to process more information, the infographic's efficiency at quickly and clearly conveying a message becomes more vital to communication.

It's no wonder the use of infographics in literature has increased by more than 400 percent since 1990. Likewise, the use of infographics on the Internet -- where users are barraged with a constant stream of changing information -- has grown by nearly 1000 percent since 2007.

Infographics may be prevalent, but they aren’t all created equal. Some infographics reflect passing trends, while others hold a lasting influence over our world. Following are 12 of the all-time most influential and interesting infographics that changed the world:

The reason why infographics are so popular might have something to do with the fact that 65% of the world’s population is made up of visual learners. When complex topics and data are presented in raw form, they can be hard to deliver and understand, but when they are condensed and depicted graphically, they can become much easier to understand.

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