Showing posts with label Uncategorized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uncategorized. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Unique private bench in Berlin | Dangerous Private Bench

scary private bench

private bench is a little bit scary and it can hurt you. The idea is simple: if you want to sit on it, you need to pay. It only costs 0,50 EUR. I don’t know for how much time though.
This Private Bench was invented and designed by Berlin artist Fabian Brunsing.
You’ll see some of the pictures inside the post and check out the video for details.

Monday, June 21, 2010

London Babies Swimming Underwater Pictures

This is a set of pictures from London Baby Swim, a school where they teach babies as young as 6 six weeks old to swim and to develop their motor skills. Of course, the parents take part in this process :)

As you can see, babies are natural swimmers and can be underwater without a problem. The thing is that “Up until the age of around nine months babies have a miraculous gag reflex which blocks off their windpipes as soon as they are underwater, allowing them to instinctively hold their breath,” explains Phil Shaw, the founder of London Baby Swim.
So, the sooner you put your baby into the water to learn it to swim the better.

Monday, October 19, 2009

unnecessary quotes | Quotation Marks | Unlike marks

"no sex policy"

no sex policy

Quotation Marks

Which slogan shall we pick for our organization? I kind of like "child molestation." Dude, these are all way too good. Let's put them all in quotation marks on our van.


I mean, seriously, who wants balls that only have sarcastic superlatives?

"avoiding" identity theft

Evidently in New York you can sign somebody else's application for a driver's license.

you know, "delivery"...

So does "delivery" mean they take the flowers halfway to your house and stop?

found in the Seattle Times:

maybe if people are going to be xenophobic they should learn to "write" their native language with punctuation that "makes sense."

another instant classic

This sign that Tito sent me really speaks for itself. Not a single thing about it makes sense, and I love it. Mike sent it to me too. Because that's how good it is.

"a" puppy

This sign, spotted in Chicago by Eileen, is beyond weird. Somebody really wanted to emphasize the "a" a lot.

if you insist on being called a "parent"

Eric in WA sent me this one. It's like someone wrote this especially for the "blog". I can't think of any other explanation. And what's the deal with the (SAFETY)?

Police Do Be Out

"This sign comes from a gun club (a clubhouse for men with guns who like to drink beer in the woods) in Northeastern PA."
This is classic. I think there are quotation marks around "when leaving party" because, I mean, if you're that fun, you ARE the party - so you never leave it. Also, the duct tape holding it up is a nice detail.

Also found in an office Seattle

Ryan found this in an office in Seattle. I don't even know what to say.

you're so "loving"

"This was a gift to my mom from my brother's wife. It would have been really sweet if it weren't so darn sarcastic."

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Paper dress made out of phone book paper

Paper dress made out of phone book paper

Dress made out of phone book paper by Jolis Paons.

Paper dress made out of phone book paper
Paper dress made out of phone book paper
Paper dress made out of phone book paper
Paper dress made out of phone book paper
Paper dress made out of phone book paper

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ten Most Difficult Words to Translate

Sometimes even the finest translators come up against words that defy translation.

Many languages include words that don’t have a simple counterpart in another language.

Here are ten words that are particularly difficult to translate.

From Yagan, the indigenous language of the Tierra del Fuego region of South America. This word has been translated in several ways in English, always implying a wordless yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start.

From Indonesian, meaning a joke so poorly told and so unfunny that one cannot help but laugh.

In both Czech and Slovak language, this word means to call a mobile phone only to have it ring once so that the other person would call back, allowing the caller not to spend money on minutes.

In Japanese, this word refers to a mother who relentlessly pushes her children toward academic achievement.

A Scottish verb meaning to hesitate while introducing someone due to having forgotten his/her name.

From the Inuit, meaning to go outside to check if anyone is coming.

From Brazilian Portuguese, meaning to tenderly run one’s fingers through someone’s hair.

From German, this word literally means “gate-closing panic” and is used to describe the fear of diminishing opportunities as one ages. This word is most frequently applied to women who race the ‘biological clock’ to wed and bear children.

From the Pascuense language of Easter Island, it is the act of taking objects one desires from the house of a friend by gradually borrowing all of them.

From the Tshiluba language spoken in south-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, this word has been chosen by numerous translators as the world’s most untranslatable word. Ilunga indicates a person who is ready to forgive any abuse the first time it occurs, to tolerate it the second time, but to neither forgive nor tolerate a third offense.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

17 Famous People Suspected of Having Superpowers

NBC's Heroes features many evolved humans with extraordinary abilities. We believe there are superhumans among us and that the history books are full of evidence that superpowered people do exist...or do they? Famous people, are you on the list?

To celebrate the new season of NBC's Heroes, my friend Mark deGuzman and I began analyzing history books and tabloids, trying to find the evolved humans among us. We were especially encouraged when a Heroes graphic novel included Benjamin Franklin, who had the power of electrical absorption. Here is our list of suspected evolved humans:

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

Former slave and Underground Railroad conductor

Abilitie(s): Super speed and/or invisibility

How else could this amazing woman manage to transport hundreds of slaves undetected? Although most evolved humans so far have been shown to only have one natural power, "Moses," as they called her, may have had either or both of these abilities.

Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan

Mongol founder and emperor

Abilitie(s): Mass impregnation

A British man named Tom Robinson was told that he was a direct descendant of the ruler and many, many, many kings have claimed to be descended from him as well. Genghis Khan didn't just invade when he took over a land, he would actually repopulate the land with little G. Khans. Talk about dominant genes.

Leonardo daVinci
Leonardo daVinci

Artist, inventor, military strategist, anatomist, everything

Abilitie(s): Intuitive aptitude

daVinci definitely could've been the Sylar of his day. He could understand things that didn't even exist yet! This would explain his keen knowledge of and expertise in multiple fields. He was definitely a Renaissance man.


Artist, architect, engineer

Abilitie(s): Intuitive attitude

Maybe he was angry that he wasn't good at as many things as Leo was. Or he was just angry. Michelangelo wanted to concentrate on sculpting and was furious when Pope Julius II told him to go paint the Sistine Chapel's ceiling. He was melancholy, arrogant and had a ridiculous temper. But who can blame a man who was caned in the street by a pope?

Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson


Abiltie(s): Appearance alteration

He's just not very good at it. MJ has changed his look several times, and by look, we mainly mean his nose. He has also managed to change ethnicities and reinvent himself fashion-wise over his long career.

Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris

Martial artist and actor

Abiltie(s): Empathic mimicry

Because the character who can take other characters' powers is always the best. (Like Peter Petrelli.) And considering he trained with Bruce Lee, he has had some awesome people to empathize with. Thanks to his mimicry, Chuck has multiple powers including the power to divide by zero, slam a revolving door, and not read books, but stare them down until he gets the information he wants.

Sean Combs
Sean Combs

Rapper, actor, entrepreneur, producer, and more

Abiltie(s): Name shifting

Besides being able to have six or seven occupations at once, this man can also have multiple names at once. Puff Daddy? Puffy? P. Diddy? Diddy? Duddy? No one knows who this guy will be next!

Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse


Abiltie(s): Rapid self-degeneration

No one has used alcohol, cigarettes, and crack cocaine quite like Amy. That is, no one has used them in combination with heroin, ecstasy, ketamine, self-harm, depression, eating disorders and soulful singing ... the ability she really needs to stick to.

Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart


Abiltie(s): Access to parallel dimension or space-time manipulation

If Amelia had these abilities, that could account for her disappearance. Perhaps she went to an alternate universe where people can fly? Or perhaps she traveled to some time in the future? Past? Well, wherever she disappeared to, she may have come back to us in the form of Jet Man.

Heidi Montag
Heidi Montag

Reality television personality, aspiring person-with-another-occupation

Abiltie(s): None


Barbara Walters
Barbara Walters

Journalist, writer

Abiltie(s): Lacrimal manipulation

Everyone cries when Barbara interviews them and that's no coincidence. The only person who can possibly resist Barbara's powers might be Rosie O'Donnell because she's a psychopath. Or because she no longer has a heart.


Animal lovers, crazy people

Abiltie(s): Superior delusion and lack of compassion for humans

They call themselves The Organization. While animals don't deserve abuse, they don't deserve the attention PETA gives them. These people actually thought Ben & Jerry's might come out with breast milk ice cream. Then again, this is the same group that compared chickens dying to the Holocaust and complained that a donkey was used in warfare without protesting the loss of human life.

David Blaine
David Blaine

Magician and endurance artist

Abiltie(s): Intuitive disappointment

All this guy does is do boring things for long periods of time and finds new and interesting ways to use the bathroom in public. And then when he does something almost exciting like a "dive of death," it ends up being the "bungee hop of death." Thanks for the entertainment, Dave.

John McCain
John McCain

Senator, presidential candidate

Abiltie(s): Immortality or superior durability

There's got to be a reason this guy has lived so long. And no, I'm not saying that just because he's old. He endured five and a half years being tortured as a prisoner of war in Viet Nam. The knowledge that he will never die probably helped him make his vice presidential decision.

Barack Obama
Barack Obama

Senator, presidential candidate

Abiltie(s): Change

We're not sure what kind of power he has, if any. But this is the one he advertises. Perhaps he isn't an evolved human at all. He's just ... some guy.

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin

Governor, vice presidential candidate

Abiltie(s): Media magnetism, cryogenesis, telescopic vision and/or light manipulation

We have not yet identified what exactly Governor Palin's abilities are or how many of them she has. She has clearly demonstrated media magnetism, but the other abilities may have been expressed while she was out of the spotlight and governing Alaska. Her cryogenesis has been largely responsible for maintaining Alaska's snowy grounds, her light manipulation for aurora borealis, and her telescopic vision to see Russia from her house. On a side note, while the governor is quite adept at creating ice, she is not in fact responsible for the creation of Hillary Clinton.

Joe Bidden? Biden?
Joe Bidden? Biden?


During our discussions, Mark actually spelled Biden's name wrong when he suggested that he had the power of "Who?" Proves a point. But perhaps this is simply Biden's demonstration of one of the coolest abilities an evolved human can have ... invisibility.
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