Showing posts with label Intersting Fact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intersting Fact. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Surprising Facts About the FBI | FBI Facts You Never Knew

Surprising Facts About the FBI | Interesting Facts You Never Knew About the FBI 

The FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation exists to protect us. Part of this duty includes keeping secrets from us. But not all FBI secrets are actually, well, 100% confidential. Here are 15 Surprising Facts About the FBI | Facts You Never Knew About the FBI doesn’t publicize.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Ancient History Is So Fascinating | Civilizations Facts

Ancient History Is So Fascinating | Civilizations Facts

From China and Egypt to Rome and Greece, these ancient history facts are too raunchy, outrageous, and weird for any textbook you've ever read.

When people talk about ancient history, images of gladiators, pharaohs, and Alexander the Great most frequently come to mind, but those topics just barely scratch the surface—it turns out that history is much bigger than that! What we call “ancient history” covers a vast period from basically the beginning of time until the start of the Early Middle Ages sometime around the fifth century, and it’s full of strange and little-known facts from east to west.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Weird computer user

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ridiculous extension ladder

Sunday, March 29, 2009

TOP 10 Things Men Don’t Want Their Women To Do

10. Wear Night Gowns
The only thing more unflattering than a girl coming to bed in her night gown is a girl coming to bed in her 10-year-old night gown. If you feel the absolute need to wear a gown at least buy one from the lingerie shop so we both win. Until then, sleep naked.
9. Shopping In Slippers
You are with us now. It may be acceptable for someone to walk around Walmart in their best moomoo while wearing slippers and holding hands with their second cousin.
8. Wearing Jean Capri Pants
How old are you? You can show a little more leg now that you’re out of elementary school ya know. You know who wears Capri Pants? Pirates, thats who. Just make up you mind already, do you want to wear shorts or do you want to wear jeans? And no more Skorts either, that’s just false advertising to us men.
7. Dress Up Our Dogs
The only accessory that our rottweiler/pit bull/German Shepard/Labrador/boxer/bulldog needs is a spiked collar. You are not allowed to buy the dog a poncho no matter how cold it is and don’t even think about that sparkly tiara. The dogs listed are the only dogs that matter unless it belongs to your woman and in that case we don’t care what you do with that yappy, little bastard.
6. Start Scrap Booking
I know, it’s a hobby and it gives you something to do but then you are going to make us look at every clipped snowflake, cherub and rainbow until we throw up in our mouths. Whatever happened to the good ol’ days when you just threw your Polaroids into an album?
5. Force Us To Wear Christmas Sweaters
You might be able to pull off themed holiday wear at your company Christmas Party but we are never going to live it down if you make us put on anything will bells and tinsel.
4. Let Your Mother Move In
The only chick we want to see walking around our house picking the underwear out of her ass is you (or a Victoria’s Secret model) so unless you are actively trying to get us to stop having sex with you, put her in a home.
3. Pick Out Matching Outfits
We know you want to let everyone out there know that we are YOUR man and the best way of doing that next to making us carry signs is to buy matching shirts and pants in pastel colors that will more than likely convince people that we’re your gay, best-friend…not your significant other.
2. Cut Your Hair
The ladies ask us what we think about everything and we tell them only to have them ignore us, then come back after doing what we warned against in the first place and bitch to us about it. Cutting your hair short is the worst one because you have a 1 in 5 chance of how it will turn out. Sexy, Butch, Boyish, Feminist, or Transgender. That’s too much of a risk.
1. Gain Weight
Everyone is entitled to fluctuate in the poundage and I’m also not including pregnancy but when your woman goes from a sexy 105 to a bulbous 205 in the course of your first year of marriage it’s not glandular, it’s lazy. Unless we gain the same amount of weight…then we have no right to bitch.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

8 Stupidest World records

1. World Record for writing Stupidest Book ever

On 25 November 1998 Les Stewart from Mudjimba (Australia) after 16 years at the typewriter reached his goal of typing all numbers from one to one million - in words (not numbers) on his manual machine. Seven manual typewriters, 1000 ink ribbons, 19,890 pages, 16 years and seven months later, he finished with the lines:

nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and million.

Of course it is a World Record for Typing Numbers in Words but it could easily win a prize for most useless and stupidest book ever written. He typed for 20 minutes, “every waking hour”, on the hour until the mammoth task he had set himself was done. But perhaps more bizarre than his world record achievement, is the fact that Les threw out all but two of the 19,890 pages he typed over those fifteen years. He only kept the first and the last pages.

When asked why he has undertaken this time consuming and repetitious task, Les says that he has little else to do now after he has been classed as an invalid due to an accident, and could no longer work.
2. Biggest amount of Smurfs in one place

Hundreds of Croatians put on hundreds of silly little blue costumes and white hats in a valiant attempt to set the world record for the most people dressed up like the characters the Smurfs in one place. Sadly, it turned out that even though they had managed to gather 395 Smurf-a-likes in one place, this Croatian attempt to smash the record turned out to be a waste of time.

A spokesman for the organizers said: “We read on the internet that the record was 290 people held by a group of Americans, and decided to beat it, and we had TV, radio and print media report our success.” The true was that the current record, according to Guinness World Records, was 451 people set by Warwick University Students’ Union last.

Well, they should have felt really stupid in those silly Smurf costumes when they heard about their failure.

3. Most T-shirts on a man

Matt McAllister of 99.9 KTYD’s The Early Show, a radio show in Santa Barbara, CA, set a Guinness World Record by putting on as many shirt as possible in 4 hours.

* Number of T-shirts:155
* Extra weight: 100Lbs or 45 Kg
* Wasted Time : 4 hours

According to other sources this might be a broken record because Nick Umbs, 28, donned 183 T-shirts between sizes small and 10XL and set a new U.S record for most T-shirts. And it still falls short of the new Guinness World Record 224 shirts.
4. Farthest distance traveled under water by Pogo Stick

Ashira furman (USA) jumped 512.06 (1.680 ft) under water on a pogo stick at the Nassau County Aquatic Center in East Meadow, New York, USA, on 2007. We are not sure if it is the same guy in the video, but if you want to se how dumb it looks check this out.
5. Furthest Eyeball Popper

To Letterman’s cue, “Did you hear that Michael Jackson had a baby?” she popped her eyes out. TV viewers were able to watch 2 slow-motion replays, one of them from the side.

Kim Goodman (USA) can pop her eyeballs to a protrusion of 12 mm (0.47 in) beyond her eye sockets. Her eyes were measured in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 2, 2007.

WARNING: Do not try to do this at home. Doctors say it can strain blood vessels and nerves between the eyes and the head and feels unpleasant, though it usually doesn’t cause lasting damage.

6. Heaviest Car Balanced on the Head
John Evans from England balanced a 352 lb (159.6 kg) Mini on his head for 33 seconds at The London Studios, UK on May 24, 1999. He is a professional ‘Head Balancer’. Evan has balanced people, books and beers, but the car is by far the most dangerous trick.

He must be really creative person to come up with such a stupid idea - putting a car on your head.

John is also a big guy. He’s 2 meters tall and weighs 343 lb (155.7 kg). But the secret lies in his 24-inch (60.9cm) neck. One wrong step or a blow of a wind and he could be smashed into pieces.

He has also broken 25 records in 11 categories and is going for more.

7. Longest Diary
Robert Shields was a former Minister and high school English teacher who lived in Dayton, Washington, USA, who, after his death, left behind a Worlds longest diary of 37.5 million words chronicling every 5 minutes of his life from 1972 to 1997.

For twenty years, Robert Shields of Dayton, Washington, has kept a written record of absolutely everything that has happened to him, day and night. Writing 4 hours each day, Shields holes himself up in the small office in his home, turns on his stereo, and types.

He believed that discontinuing his diary would be like turning off his life. He went in such details as recording his body temperature, blood pressure, medications, describing his urination, and slept for only two hours at a time so he could describe his dreams. He once said "Maybe by looking into someone’s life at that depth, every minute of every day, they will find out something about all people."

8. Most Cockroaches Eaten in one minute
On the set of The Big Breakfast, London, England on March 5, 2001, Ken Edwards of Glossop, Derbyshire, England ate 36 cockroaches in one minute .

"It’s like having an anesthetic at the back of the throat" says Ken, when he chews his cockroaches.This is due to the scent they let off to ward off predators! Tasty!

He used to work as a rat-cacher and a part-time entertainer. Ken appeared on the stage for the first time at the age of 18 but it took many years when finally at the age of 39 he became a celebrity over night because of his rats-down-the-trouser trick shown on British TV show Over The Top.
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