Saturday, September 27, 2008

17 year old Girl has 7 beautiful Kids

This is really outrageous.

Argentine teenager Pamela Villarruel poses with her seven children outside her parents' home in the town of Leones in Cordoba Province, northern Argentina, May 11, 2008. (Pics courtesy: AP)

Pamela, 17, bore all seven children in just three pregnancies, having her first boy in 2005 when she was 14 and the other six girls in two deliveries of triplets in the following two years.

Pamela and her children currently sleep in the living room of her mother Magdalena who supports them all by house cleaning.

The father of Pamela's first son abandoned them, the father of the first set of triplets was forced out of the house by the family for beating her, and Pamela refuses to identify the father of the more recent triplets.

Magdalena requested to have her daughter's fallopian tubes tied to avoid any further pregnancies, but was denied as Argentine law prohibits the procedure to be done on minors.

deliveries of triplets girl

deliveries of triplets girl

deliveries of triplets girl

deliveries of triplets girl

deliveries of triplets girl


Anonymous said...

Tubes tied? Just stop having sex.

Anonymous said...

don't worry and getting her tubes tied tell her to keep her legs closed

Anonymous said...

how aout she just stops having sex for a while

Anonymous said...

for the love of god! use condoms!

that guy said...

beautiful? ha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Children raising children. What could possibly be wrong about that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How about sewing her knees together?

Anonymous said...

Is that knives in the middle of the table and is that raw meat the kids are playing with?

Anonymous said...

ok having triplets and twins is a little weird but is there anything really wrong with this i mean why make things so omplicated this is what people and annimals can do...

Anonymous said...

It's a vagina,not a clown car.

Anonymous said...

good old duct tape to tie those legs together. or just shove it up the pooper, that works too ya know. btw, i loved the clown car comment.

Anonymous said...

leave her alone. its her life what does it concern you. its her life and she took this path. i say good luck.

Lynn said...

She doesn't look like a whore to me...we shouldnt judge her..but instead of gettin her fallopian tubes tied why dont she used condoms or contraceptives?? Her kids are adorableeeeeee...

Anonymous said...

we did not judge the guys as it was her fault she should not have done it

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