Sunday, November 10, 2019

Shadow Magic

Impossible Friendship Cat n Mouse

Fashion Tips

1. White reflects light so wherever you wear it you will bring attention. Having said that, if you have any body parts you don't want to appear larger don't accentuate that area by adorning it in white and wearing a dark color next to it. What you can do is wear white from head- to- toe so no particular area has focus. For example, if you have large hips don't wear white bottoms with a dark top because the eye will be drawn to the bottom. Instead, wear a white top and white pants and use accessories to take the focus away from the problem area. Or wear white on top and black on the bottom.

2.Wear black and white combinations with accessories to create impact. Wear a white skirt with a black top, black shoes, white handbag, and a black/white necklace. Handbags and scarves that have a black and white pattern will also bring some pizzazz. Experiment.

3. To change your look, wear white with bright colors such as pink and green. Again, choose accessories that will add interest. A pink or green b ag, pink jewelry, pink shoes etc. You can also try 3 color combinations such as pink/black/white green/black/white or red/black/white.

4 . Wear white only until the end of the summer season and don't wear white to a wedding unless you are the bride.

5 . Wear white T-shirts with jeans and choose a finer fabric to wear with suits for a more professional look. When you wear whites pay attention to your undergarments ? Avoid lacy bras ? Choose to wear nudes, they will not show under white.

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