Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to make effective wax decorations

If you wish to know how to make effective wax decorations read the article below.

Here is what you need:

wax (you can use candles and melt them), metal cookie lid, cookie cutters, newspaper, nylon thread, ribbon, wooden sticks, needle, plier, crimp beads, beads & findings.

Make sure that you work safe when working with hot wax. Cover the area that you are working on with newspaper. Put the cookie lid on top of it & heat the wax.

Fill the metal cookie lid with wax.

Let the wax set for a while until it is stiff but still feels warm. That allows you to press cookie cutters into it without the wax cracking. You have to work quick now as the wax cools down fast. Press as many cutters as possible in the lid.

You can then remove the wax around the cutted shapes.

When you push lightly, the shape will come loose.

If it's still warm, you can easily put a needle through the wax figure. Or you can heat the needle in the flame of a candle.

Or put the wooden stick in the cut out wax figure but only halfway.

Or you can push a hole from front to back.

All the left over wax can go back into the pan and you can re-heat it again if you need more figures.

Then the figures are ready to make decorations from. Add a little ribbon to the wax decorations. They will look super in flower pots.

Or make some ornaments to hang in a branch or on a gift. Cut a piece of metal wire.

Fold it double and place a ribbon in between.

Then pull it through the hole you made in the wax decoration.

Pull the double pieces of ribbon through the loop and make a knot at the end.

Tada! :)

Or make a nice garland with beads and findings. First make a loop and close it with a crimpbead.

Press the crimpbead with the plier.

Then start threading beads & findings according to your taste and add the wax decorations in between.

End the vertical garland again with a crimpbead.

Here is another garland with the flowers. First add a loop and then knots, wooden beads and wax flowers.

Here are the results:

(Poufiks by evaforeva on Etsy)

Source:- poppytalk

Friday, January 15, 2010

How to Make Your Brain Stronger and Faster

Knowledge Boost

How to Increase your knowledge base, and continue learning. An interest in the world around you, and the never ending quest for knowledge, can actually boost your prain power. Here are some ways to experience a knowledge boost — and keep your brain strong:

1. Discover your learning style: In order to accumulate knowledge, you need to understand how you learn best. Figure out your learning style, and then use that knowledge to boost your brain power.
2. Rediscover the encyclopedia: You can get a great overview on a number of different subjects when you read an encyclopedia. Do it online or offline, but you can learn about something new each day when you read the encyclopedia.
3. Revisit tough school subjects: You can give your brain a workout when you revisit tough school subjects. Had a hard time with math? Go back and do a refresher online. Was English your Achilles heel? Review sentence diagramming.
4. Stay up to date: Know what’s happening in the news. Keep track of current events by watching the nightly news, reading the newspaper or looking online.
5. Look at things from the other side: If you have an opinion about a certain subject or issue, look at it from the other side. Learn the merits of the opposing opinion, and try to understand another point of view. This type of critical thinking will boost your knowledge base and your brain power.
6. Consider philosophy: There are few things that can give your brain a good workout like trying to answer philosophical questions like “What is truth?” and “Why are we here?”
7. Take community education classes: If possible, take a class in something you find interesting. You can audit a class at a university or enroll in community education. A great way to continue building knowledge and strengthening your brain.
8. Enjoy open courseware: Even if you can’t attend a class in the “real” world, you can do so online. Many universities offer open courseware that allows you to learn for free. MIT has especially expansive open courseware offerings.
9. Read scientific journals: Whether you read online or off, getting information from scientific journals and other publications can boost your knowledge and brain power.
10. Look for new experiences: Few things can increase your brain power like new experiences. Look to experience new things every so often.
11. Pay attention to your environment: The way your environment is arranged can help you focus better and absorb knowledge better. A tidy environment, and one that is cool, can actually help enhance your study skills.

Creative Boost

Creativity can help improve your brain function. Here are some tips for using creativity to build your brain’s strength and agility.

12. Explore your creative side: Try writing, art or performance to see whether you enjoy. You don’t even have to be good at it; just working at your creativity can help you increase your brain power and speed.
13. Read for fun: Don’t just read for knowledge; read for fun as well. Even if you enjoy reading novels, you can boost your brain power by working your imagination as you journey to new places using your mind.
14. Don’t forget to laugh: Laughing relieves stress and releases chemicals that help you feel positive. Humor can be a good way to release tension and let your brain get a little relaxation.
15. Learn a musical instrument: The learning processes that go into music can benefit you. Learn a musical instrument to increase your brain power and enhance personal enjoyment.
16. Listen to music: The creative processes in music can benefit you, even if you just listen. Classical music is especially beneficial for the brain.
17. Volunteer: Use your talents and skills to help others. Volunteering can be a good way to build brain power as you meet new people and learn new things.
18. Learn about other cultures: Understanding other cultures can be an interesting and creative exercise that can help you gain new perspective while making your brain stronger.
19. Keep a dream journal: A dream journal can encourage you to examine your subconscious, and you may find new answers in creative ways in your dreams.
20. Develop a hobby: Find something you enjoy doing and develop that skill through a hobby.
21. Interact with others: Socializing can be a to learn new ideas and share your own. Creative sharing — or just relaxing with others — can boost creativity and make your brain stronger.
22. Consider a child’s perspective: Look at things as a child would. This is a great creative exercise that can help make your brain stronger

Memory Tricks

If you want to improve your memory and make your brain faster at recall, here are some tricks you can practice:

23. Use an organizer: Organizing your thoughts and appointments can help you recall needed information faster.
24. Get adequate sleep: You remember things better when you are properly rested.
25. Use more senses: As you learn, focus on smell, taste and touch as well as sight and sound. This will help you with recall.
26. Linking: Link a new concept somehow to something you already know. This will help you organize the information in your brain.
27. Practice: Just like anything else, if you want a good memory, you have to practice. Practice recalling information you have learned.
28. Mind mapping: You can use mind mapping to learn how to visualize what you have you learned, and then recall it earlier.
29. Try to avoid distractions: Concentrate on what you are doing, and try to avoid distractions when possible.
30. Mnemonic devices: You can use a number of mnemonic devices to improve your memory function, including systems of letters, grouping and even rhymes.
31. Take notes: When learning something, take notes. Writing it down can help you commit things
32. Use your non-dominant hand: You can increase your brain power and your memory by exercising your brain with the use of your non-dominant hand.
33. Make a to-do list: Sometimes you need external reminders to help you keep your memory sharp. A to-do list can help you stay focused throughout the day.

Stay Sharp

Once you have begun building your brain power, you want to stay sharp. Here are some tips that can help you keep your brain strong and fast.

34. Physical exercise: You can enhance your brain function by staying physically active.
35. Meditation: You can sharpen your mind powers with some meditation. Give your brain a charge, and keep it focused.
36. Relaxation: De-stress yourself in order to give your brain time to process and rest a little. This will help it stay sharp and learn better in the future.
37. Sudoku: You can exercise your mind skills, and keep them sharp, with the number game Sudoku.
38. Crossword puzzles: Simple and fun crossword puzzles can help exercise your mind to keep it fast and sharp.
39. Trivia games: Played online or with a group of friends in person, trivia games can be great ways to exercise your memory and your brain.
40. Video games: Some video games are designed with education and brain function in mind. Games that require you to think things through and solve puzzles to advance can be helpful in maintaining your brain power.
41. Strategic board games: Games like chess, Risk and even checkers can help you analyze situations and think strategically, boosting your brain power.
42. Some card games: Some card games, like bridge, can keep your mind sharp by encouraging thought about strategy. Even poker can test your ability to determine probabilities.
43. Teach: One way you can keep your mind sharp is to teach others. You can teach as an adjunct, offer community classes or tutor in order to keep your mind sharp.
44. Learn sign language: Sign language connects motor skills to the brain, and brings more mental effort to communication.

Brain Food

If you want to boost your brain power and quickness, you need to eat the right things. There are some nutritional guidelines that can help you improve braing strength.

45. Omega-3 fatty acids: The oils found in fish and some plants, like flaxseed, can improve brain function.
46. Red wine: In very moderate amounts, red wine can help your brain.
47. Blueberries: These delicious berries can help neurons in your brain.
48. Strawberries: Antioxidants in strawberries can help your brain, and the vitamin C and potassium have other benefits.
49. Folic acid: This nutrient can help you avoid memory loss. Folic acid supplements can be a good addition to your brain food regimen.
50. Fiber: Keep your body and mind functioning properly and in balance with fiber.
51. Water: Dehydration can be detrimental to the brain. Drink lots of water to avoid this.
52. Eat breakfast: Get off to the right start every day with proper nutrition, and your brain will be more active.
53. Beware of caffeine: While moderate amounts of caffeine can be helpful (one cup of tea or coffee), too much can overstimulate the brain, and the following crash can cause problems.
54. Watch out for alcohol and drugs: Substance abuse is very detrimental to brain function.
55. Limit junk food: Junk food drains your brain power and slows it down. In order to make your brain stronger and faster, you need to limit your intake of junk.

Source:- mastersinhealthinformatics

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to Make a Pinecone Skier | pinecone craft ideas

How to Make a Pinecone Skier Craft Day, an easy Pine cone Skier

Materials Required:
pine cone
2 round toothpicks
2 mini Popsicle sticks
red paint
1 inch pompom
2 small googly eyes
1 tiny pompom for nose
scraps of felt
1 white pipe cleaner

2 sequins
small pompom for hat
tacky glue

To make a pine cone skier you first need to paint your toothpicks and mini Popsicle sticks. I took the toothpicks and cut off the top pointy end and then painted them red, For the skis I painted 2 mini Popsicle sticks red...for Christmas Craft day I lucked out at the dollar store and found some picket fencing that is normally used for a Christmas village but will work perfectly for this project.

Take the two red toothpicks and put a dab of glue on the hole in the sequin. Push the pointy end of the toothpick into the glue. These will be your ski poles. Set aside.

Take your 1 inch pom pom and glue on the 2 eyes as well as the mini pom pom for the nose.

With the scraps of felt cut out a circle for the hat.

Glue on top of the head and then add a sparkly pompom on top.

Set aside.

Take your white pipe cleaner and cut it in half. Wind around the pine cone near the top and give it a twist...these will be your arms. I found these silver and gold pine cones at the dollar store 12 for a $1.00. You can use the ones from outside and just add some glitter or paint. Here in Canada our pine cones are now buried under 2 feet of snow!

Bend the arms to look like your skier is working really hard to snowplow up that hill.

Add a dab of glue where the hands would be.

Slide in the can squeeze the pipe cleaner to hold it in place while the glue sets up. Put some glue on top of the pine cone and glue on the head.

Let sit for a few minutes.

Turn pine cone over keeping your finger pressing down on head to ensure it stays on and put some glue where you want the skis to go.

Attach your skis. You can arrange them so they are snow plowing or straight's up to you.

That's it...a very cute pine cone skier. If you want you can add a string at the top for hanging on the tree. See you soon with a special JOY sign project.
Source :- thatartistwoman

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Airship created by eggshell | Beautiful eggshells Arts

Most of us if not all, never think of eggshells once we use the egg. For us egg is just part of our breakfast and we never give a second thought about its eggshell except that we need to discard it. In the past we have seen artists using variety of mediums to display their creativity; and here are some beautiful creative illustrations of how these eggshells can be used.

Airship: It's really impressive and surprising to know that one can create such an object by just using simple eggshell.

Beautiful Eggshells AirshipEggshells Art AirshipEggshells Airship Eggshells Airship Eggshells Airship Eggshell Planter: These look cute, and if you are interested to make few of these for self, here is the link.

Eggshell PlanterEggshell Planter (13) 2Eggshell Planter (13) 3Eggshell Loudspeaker: Handcraft loudspeakers using eggshells as cabinets is the creation of Flickr user Gomhi.

Eggshell LoudspeakerEggshell Stands:

Eggshell Stands and Airship(Image credit: rackle3726).

Artwork With Eggshells: This is the work of Gary LeMaster. Here is the gallery - link.

LotusJeweled Eggs: This beautiful work of art is of Carl Fabergé (a Russian jeweller), famous for Fabergé eggs, which were made in the style of genuine Easter eggs. These were created using precious metals & gemstones that added greatly to the beauty of the work.

Jeweled Eggs (9) 4Here is the gallery - link.

Box With Eggshell:

Art With Eggshell(Image credit: peva).

Box With Eggshell (3) 1(Image credit: peva).

Box With Eggshell Art(Image credit: peva).

Eggshell Mosaic:

Eggshell Mosaic(Image credit: soopahgrover).

Eggshell Goldfish Mosaic:

Eggshell Goldfish Mosaic(Image credit: heartwindowsart).

Roses Eggshell Mosaic:

Roses Eggshell Mosaic(Image credit: heartwindowsart).

Easter Eggshell Mosaic: Here is how to make it - link.

Easter Eggshell Mosaic