Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2010

9-year-old girl who wrestles alligators

girl who wrestles alligatorsAt the age of nine, most girls are happy playing with dolls or watching their High School Musical DVDs. But, for alligator wrestler Samantha Young, nothing passes the time like grappling with a 2.4m (8ft) reptilian killing machine.

And it is a good job the tough tween is so skilled at beating the fearsome beasts – as her family shares its farm with about 350 of them.

‘I have been wrestling alligators since I was six,’ she said. ‘I was taught by my father and mother to take on the gators and my dad has been wrestling and around them since he was bitten by one aged five.

‘I was a bit scared at first but my dad was there and he always knows what to do with them.’

Samantha regularly teaches visitors to Colorado Gators Reptile Park how to tackle the predators and has even trained US soldiers in the art.

‘It is all about getting your balance and position on top of the gator’s back so that you can control its mouth and neck,’ she said.

‘Once you have that under your power, then you can pull its head back and you have tamed the gator.

‘I need to know how to wrestle them because they are all around me so it is safer that way. And it looks cool for when my friends come round to the park. I like the looks on adults’ faces when they see me do it and I show them how.’

Father and park manager Jay Young, 36, said: ‘Samantha is very proficient with the gators and wrestles the size of alligator that we involve the public with.

‘We don’t let the public near the 600lb gators but we do let them tackle the 6ft to 8ft, 300lb ones.’

Saturday, June 19, 2010

X-ray reveals Dog Swallowed 5 Cats

A 1-year-old terrier named Snowy shocked her owner and veterinarian when an X-ray revealed she swallowed five cats whole. Five plastic toy cats that is. “I was shocked when the vets phoned to say Snowy had swallowed a few cats,” her owner, Samantha Reed said. “I thought they meant real ones!”

And here are the victims of Snowy ;)

Source: dailymail

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Creative haircuts of Shanghai World Expo

A big fun of the Shanghai World Expo. (Photo: CFP)

A child bears the Chinese characters for June 1 on his hair. (Photo: CFP)

It's March 15. (Photo: CFP)

In memroy of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. (Photo: CFP)

In memory of the National Day (Photo: CFP)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Poutine Eating Championship is a yearly food-eating competition

The Poutine Eating Championship is a yearly food-eating competition where the contestants have to eat as much poutine as possible, in just 10 minutes.

I bet you’re still stuck on poutine, right? Many people outside Canada have never even heard of this delicacy, but they just eat it up there in the north. Poutine consists of french fries, cheese curds and brown gravy. Some say it sounds disgusting, but I wouldn’t mind trying some.

Anyway, during the World Poutine Eating Championship 2010, contestants had to gobble up as much poutine as possible, in 10 minutes time. The winner, 24-year-old Pat Bertoletti, churned 13 lbs of the stuff, and won himself a $750 prize and a cool trophy. Asked what he was going to do with his prize, Pat said he will spend it in a bar.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Amazing Little People of America | Thin People

This family, like other Thin people with dwarfism (a rare genetic disorder of bone growth), has worked very hard to overcome social and physical barriers and can now live normal lives. The Kotzians work with Little People of America. It’s the only dwarfism support organization that helps little persons across the US. They went through a lot as there are many Americans who treat little persons like a circus act. Greet the Kotzian family from Thornton, Colorado.