Sunday, July 19, 2020

People Took Posing With Statues To The Next Level

People Took Posing With Statues To The Next Level 

We have all heard about people taking down statues as a part of protests and riots that have been happening recently. Meanwhile the statues around the world have apparently started to fight back…

Let’s face it–posing with statues is fun. You’ve got a captive audience, and you can pretty much do anything you want to them as long as you keep most of your clothes on. But these people have a twisted audacity and imagination that goes beyond holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which your cousin Stephanie still thinks is hilarious. We get it Tiffany, you’ve been to Italy! Let it go already! Witness then what true genius looks like as these lunatics pose with these poor, unsuspecting works of art.

Sculpture art is often seen as very serious, grand, and glorious, especially when depicting some war general or famous person. That seriousness almost always obligates us to stand graciously and composed in front of every famous sculpture. Now, if anyone tells you that posing for pictures near a statue is dull because of the need to keep your manners, it's only because they don't know how to do proper photo poses. The beautiful sculptures are alive, and you only need to turn on your imagination to see that. To illustrate what we mean, we have collected this list of funny photos showing how creative people can be while having fun and even beating the poor tourists. Do you have a photo like that? Be sure to upload it below and vote for your favorites!

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