Saturday, August 22, 2020

Kids Breakup Letters To Make You Smile | Children's Breakups

Kids Breakup Letters To Make You Smile | Children's Breakup 

Getting rejected by your crush is rough, but we've all been there before. These kids learned the hard way that nothing lasts forever. Hopefully these notes don't bring back traumatizing memories of your first heartbreak.

Getting dumped is pretty brutal, however old you are. There's never a good age to be told by your SO that they no longer wish to be with you. At least when you're an adult you can (hopefully) use some tact when you're breaking up with someone and spare some of their dignity. But when it comes to kids, they have no filter and are brutally honest with the reasons for their breakups. Here are some breakup letters written by kids and they sting just to read them!

All breakups exist on scale of hard to gut-wrenching. There’s no way to magically help you get over them, but expressing yourself in a breakup letter can make things easier. Letters give you time to sit and compose your words calmly and thoughtfully in the way an emotional conversation might not allow.

They also allow your ex to understand what happened from your point of view. When they receive the letter they can’t rebut what you’re saying, they can only accept and reflect on your words. A breakup letter isn’t in place of a face-to-face conversation, but it’s a good follow-up, a parting note for someone you once cared about.

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to start your breakup letter, here are some examples of different kinds of breakups for you to draw inspiration from.

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