Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Hilarious Building of Bad Design | Bad Construction Designs

Hilarious Building of Bad Design | Bad Construction Designs 

Not everyone is born with the magic touch for remodeling. This, of course, is why a whole range of specialists exist: architects, designers, contractors, the guy who makes the cabinets and the guy who installs them (nope, his name isn’t Dad). As with most industries, though, some skilled professionals are less skilled than others.

Take any one of the masterminds behind the following home improvement snafus, which range from head-scratching and unsightly to downright dangerous. The optimists among us might describe these creations as “complex,” perhaps “experimental.” But what exactly was the hypothesis? That no one would notice the flagpole in the middle of the driveway? That a toilet in the dining room might be the future of home convenience?

Agreed: It takes real effort to fail this badly. But tape measures and levels were invented for a reason. Today, we salute them. Remember to hire an architect before designing your own house.

These days most of us live in houses, apartments, flats, studios or inside any other kind of structure that has walls, windows, and a roof. Since people no longer need to carve our living quarters in caves or build a hut from clay, architecture design and engineering became almost the most important professions that we know. Everybody needs a place to live, right?

Being an architect is a pretty tough job. There's little room for error, and any mistakes that you do make are going to be there on display for all to see for as long as the thing you designed is standing. But as you can see from these funny fails compiled, some architects are determined to leave their mark on the world in one way or another. Sure they screwed up, but hey, at least you'll remember their masterpieces of modern architecture!

From garage doors finding their way on the third floor of an apartment building, many engineering fails concerning stairs and of course, miscellaneous epic fails of grandiose scale - you'll find it all and many more in this list. Feel free to add your own Bad Construction pictures.

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