Friday, August 7, 2020

Van Life Couple | Couple Starts Van Life After Quitting Their Jobs

Van Life Couple | Couple Starts Van Life After Quitting Their Jobs and Downsizing to a Minimalist Camper Van 

Some say it's crazy but we say van life as a couple is one of the most rewarding and incredible things to do. Sharing a tiny space will help you to understand and respect each other like nothing else. Being on the road and constantly pushing boundaries, means that you will grow and flourish together. And of course, sharing beautiful moments and unique experiences will reward you with an everlasting bond.

There will definitely though, be moments when you quite frankly want to throttle each other and after years of van life as a couple, we have had our fair share of these moments. Living a harmonious life as a couple in a van is all about finding that balance and establishing boundaries with yourself and each other, and we hope these tips will help you to do just that.

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