Sunday, August 2, 2020

Stone Balancing Tower | Rock Balancing Arts By Miha Brinovec

Stone Balancing Tower | Rock Balancing Arts By Miha Brinovec 

Rock balancing or stone balancing (stone or rock stacking) is an art, discipline, or hobby in which rocks are naturally balanced on top of one another in various positions without the use of adhesives, wires, supports, rings or any other contraptions which would help maintain the construction's balance.

The number of rock piles created in this manner in natural areas has recently begun to worry conservationists because they can misdirect hikers, expose the soil to erosion, aesthetically intrude upon the natural landscape, and serve no purpose.

Artist Miha Brinovec, 43, from Braslovce, Slovenia, does not use any adhesives to stick together the rocks. Instead, he carefully calculates how best to balance his stones in the most surprising ways. The amateur photographer insists the practice helps him to meditate and feel closer to nature.

These implausible Stone towers of irregularly shaped stones seem as if they should tumble as soon as you look at them. Rising in the picturesque wilderness they could almost be the work of fairies, mischievously placed to confuse passers-by who chance upon them.

'It is all about the connection between water, rocks and me,' he says. 'I just pick some random rocks and one unusual stone for the top of the installation and the process can begin. Mathematically, I have to find three points on each stone so it can standstill. But this is much more than just mathematics - it is a way of meditating and connecting with nature. When the connection is right the magic happens, gravity surrenders and the whole place becomes balanced and peaceful.'

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