Sunday, August 30, 2020

Making Art with Recycled Plastic Waste to Bring Awareness

Here are some Making artworks created purely from our plastic waste to raise awareness for single-use plastic pollution.

Most conventional plastic crap is made from non-biodegradable petrochemicals—instead of decomposing over time, it simply breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces (micro-plastics).

Since the 1950’s, plastic has become a popular material in the world: used in endless ways, found in countless items, and often made to be discarded and disregarded in mere minutes.

Since the majority of plastic is non-biodegradable, plastic waste has only accumulated over time, affecting our physical health and environment. In an effort to bring awareness to this issue and to keep some plastic from going into landfills or the ocean, I make art from plastic waste. What can we do to make a change?

Spread awareness, be mindful of plastic consumption, demand more plastic be made biodegradable—buying only plastic items that are. Be creative about making a change!

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  • Effects of smoking
    09.10.2008 - 0 Comments
    What will happen if you smoke everyday in huge proportion?Here is an interesting artwork with leaf, that…