Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Facts About Blood Donation

Blood Donation

Person above 18 years of age and over 50 Kgs. in weight can donate blood once in three months.

* A normal adult has five to six liters of blood in his/her body of which only 300 ml is used during blood donation.

* This blood is replaced by your body within 24 to 48 hours!

* No special diet, rest or medicine is required after blood donation.

* The donor should not have taken any medicine in the last 48 hours.

* The donor should not have contacted jaundice in the previous three years.

* Every donor is given a medical checkup prior to donation to see if he/she is medically fit and doesn't suffer from anemia, high blood pressure etc.,

* The donor cannot contract AIDS or any other disease by donating blood.
Make Blood donation a habit .

* There are many persons

including females who has donated blood more than 10 -20 times in their life

Start with your B'day or from just today. Your little contribution can save someone's life.


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Lady Jane said...

yes it is wise to test the blood before donating any to a blood bank

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