Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bride Discovers 'Husband' is A Woman

An Indian woman lived with her 'husband' for a year before finally discovering that 'he' was really a 'she'.

Minati Khatua, 26, of Rourkela, says she and her family were completely taken in by Sitakant Routray, 28.

"He had impressed everyone in my family and they willingly agreed to our marriage," she said.

As is traditional in India, Sitakant received a substantial dowry including an Indica car, gold ornaments and more than £350 in cash.

But Minati grew suspicious after the wedding when Sitakant avoided any physical contact on the pretext of a religious vow.

"I would try hard to find out and confirm his gender but failed repeatedly," she told the Calcutta Telegraph.

"However, one day I managed to force open the bathroom door when he was having a bath. My worst fears came true. He was a woman."

Inspector Jyotirmaya Hota confirmed that police were investigating the case.

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