Sunday, February 19, 2012

Girls Ninja in Iran | Female Warrior

Girls Ninja
Girls Ninja in Iran | Female Warrior

In the tradition of ancient Japanese warriors, thousands of Iranian woman are training to be ninjas.

According to The Atlantic, roughly 3,500 females regularly change from their traditional garb to dress the part of high-kicking, wall-climbing, metal star-throwing fighters.

This program is being hailed as part of a revolution for Muslim women in the country:

Iranian women have earned a reputation as trailblazers. The Christian Science Monitor points out that the two first Muslim women to conquer Mount Everest were Iranians.

In 2004, a group of Iranian women started a rugby team that grew quickly to 1,000 members, The Atlantic reported.

And thousands of Iranian women are joining the cause to inch toward more liberal women's rights policy in a country where 42 percent of women are unemployed.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl Food

For American sports fans, this weekend's Super Bowl is the biggest day on the sporting calendar.And how better to celebrate the day than by combining American football with a love of meat? Let this mouth watering tribute wet your palate and get you (even more) pumped up for the big game!Would you get down with one of these larger-than-life meat sculptures? Who cares about heart disease if your team wins! Amirite?

Super Bowl Food
Super Bowl Food Ideas

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