Wednesday, November 19, 2008

10 Most Alien-like Insects on Earth

A common mistake when searching for alien life forms is to look up into the sky for something big. But alien life is right here, at our feet, in our backyards. Millions of tiny but frightening aliens, many just a few millimetres long. We've convinced the most cheerful of the lot to give us a tour…
"Hi, I'm Danny and I'll be your host. Buzz along…"
This alien poses as a damselfly of the Zygoptera suborder. People often fail to notice that they hold their wings differently when at rest and are also smaller than dragonflies. Oh, and did you notice, their eyes are separated. Though running might be better than waiting to see the blue in their eyes…
"Give me… FOOD!" This fuzzy yellow alien with black spots is called Dasychira Pudibunda and is the larval form, or caterpillar, of the red-tailed moth.
This species of aliens has fooled humans for many years. Popularly known as a bumblebee of the Apidae family, they have donned a fuzzy yellow-and-black fur and spread rumours that some of them are stingless. Right, whatever, just careful with that … thingy, dude!
"Listen to me, Earthling, feel the mighty wrath of Gandalf the Green!" This green bush cricket of the TettigoniidaeLord of the Rings.
"Hullo there, did I startle you? If I did pretty please, will you be my… ahem… buy my dinner?" This praying mantis is one of 2,000 species in the mantis order of insects. As predatory aliens, er, insects, they might better be called preying mantis.
"I might look cute but I can sap you out!" Treehoppers have long fascinated biologists because of their unusual appearance. They belong to the Membracidae family and are closely related to cicadas and leafhoppers. They feed upon the sap found in plant stems, which they prick with their beaks.
This praying mantis male would certainly score a role in any alien movie. His acting talent is undisputed as he's part of the flower mantis species - they pretend to be flowers and then attack their prey. How very cunning, indeed.
"Who you're calling an alien? Our ancestors have been around since 350 million BC!" Wasps are said to be terrestrial but some of them look positively extra-terrestrial. Though often called pests, they are in fact very important for ecosystems: as food for other insects and birds or as predators limiting the populations of many other species.
"Call me a cricket one more time!" Grasshoppers have horns or antennas that are shorter than their body, unlike their relatives', the bush crickets. They may look well shielded but lose many a battle when they end up as a protein-rich delicacy on someone's plate in many parts of the world.
This praying mantis looks straight out of Alien or Men in Black… No prizes for guessing who inspired whom.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Facts About Blood Donation

Blood Donation

Person above 18 years of age and over 50 Kgs. in weight can donate blood once in three months.

* A normal adult has five to six liters of blood in his/her body of which only 300 ml is used during blood donation.

* This blood is replaced by your body within 24 to 48 hours!

* No special diet, rest or medicine is required after blood donation.

* The donor should not have taken any medicine in the last 48 hours.

* The donor should not have contacted jaundice in the previous three years.

* Every donor is given a medical checkup prior to donation to see if he/she is medically fit and doesn't suffer from anemia, high blood pressure etc.,

* The donor cannot contract AIDS or any other disease by donating blood.
Make Blood donation a habit .

* There are many persons

including females who has donated blood more than 10 -20 times in their life

Start with your B'day or from just today. Your little contribution can save someone's life.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Unusual Churches

Guinness World Record for the largest pair of jeans

Seamstresses in Peru set out to set a Guinness World Record for the largest pair of jeans sewn. The pair of jeans measures 141 feet tall and 98 feet wide and weighs in at 7.5 tons. The current record is held by the city of Medellin in Columbia. That pair was 114 feet tall and 82 feet wide.

It sounds like they are just waiting for their record setting jeans to be accepted by Guinness. There wasn't a Guinness representative present, but a notary who can send documentation to the group was.

The pants will be recycled as backpacks for school children. For more info.

World Record for the largest pair of jeans

World Record for the largest pair of jeans

World Record for the largest pair of jeans

World Record for the largest pair of jeans

Beautiful Night Photography

Come on lets see how the world looks at night Photography
Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Beautiful Night Photography

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world

Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world or caverns are basically large pools of water that gather or accumulate underneath the earth’s surface. Over time, the water accumulates in these underground caverns to form what we now call underground lakes.As the earth surface moves, empty spaces and caverns are sometimes formed below the surface. And water found on the top of affected areas seep into these spaces through the cracks and fissures created by the movement.

Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world
Beautiful Underground Lakes Around the world