Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Zany Artist Creates World's Largest Screw Mosaic

An Albanian artist says he's created the world's largest artwork made entirely from screws -- and no, he hasn't got a screw loose.

Saimir Strati last week spent countless hours individually screwing 300,000 industrial screws into a wooden board to create a giant 2.4m by 4.9m banknote.

The work -- which featured a portrait of the ancient Greek poet Homer in the centre -- is the fifth world record for Strati.

Last year achieved the record for the largest paintbrush mosaic… and something tells us he wasn't painting with them.

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  • Extraordinary Ant works, spectacular NASA experiment
    03.11.2009 - 0 Comments
    Ants are interesting creatures with two stomachs and three eyes, and they can lift up to 20x their body…