Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Incredible Toilet Paper Wedding Bridal Dress

But not just any kind of paper Dress. Hawaii's Ann Kagawa Lee took top honors for designing and entering this incredible wedding dress in the 2009 Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Contest.
Believe it or not, the gown was made entirely of bathroom tissue, tape, and glue! Ann, who retired in 2008 from a career as an attorney, turned to Japanese origami techniques to create stunning detail on a Gone with the Wind-inspired dress and hat. It was only the second time she had entered the contest, having taken third place in 2008. Ann, who designs and sews clothes as a hobby, entered the contest on a whim after she enjoyed making a spur-of-the-moment toilet paper dress at a bridal shower. If you're feeling incredibly creative, entries for this year's contest are being accepted until May 15. Rules and information about the prizes can be found here. The winning dresses are displayed at Ripley's Believe It or Not Museums around the world.

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  • Crocodile Suite – Hisako Matsumoto
    15.07.2010 - 0 Comments
    The artists who came out last year, Hisako Matsumoto (松元久子) must be one of my favorites, and apparently I am…