Thursday, October 15, 2020

Jamie Paul Scanlon - Street Art | Graffiti Drawings On a Wall

Jamie Paul Scanlon - Street Art | Graffiti Drawings On a Wall | Artist Jamie Paul Scanlon Creates Stunning Street Art Inpired By Pop Characters And Horrror Movies | This Artist Creates Graffiti That Interact With Their Surroundings

Inspired by Banksy, Jamie Paul Scanlon (JPS) has developed his own style creating fun, whitty street art by involving pop culture characters like heroes and villains along with some frighteningly realistic horror movie characters.

Jamie Paul Scanlon breaks the boundary between life and art, bringing his works to public buildings and walls all over England and Norway. After losing more than ten years of his life to drug and alcohol addiction, he decided to turn his life around, focusing on refining his natural artistic talents.

Some people may connect the words "street art" with vandalism and crime, but there are actually a lot of amazing street artists who manage to brighten up our days with sometimes simple, sometimes more complex works of art that are inspired by our daily surroundings.

One of these street artists is Jamie Paul Scanlon, better known as JPS, who can't walk along a road without getting inspired by cracks in walls, weeds growing out of concrete, or other simple things that most people would overlook. Using the location to inspire the artwork itself and make people's everyday life colorful, he is more than just an average artist.

Nowadays, JPS is not only well-known for his clever placements and eerie horror-themed pieces in abandoned places, but also for his funny puns, which leave no one passing without a smile on their face.

Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view. Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and has existed since ancient times.

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